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Monday, February 4, 2013

Surya Stuthi

  • aadityadeva tvatpaadyugaLke abhi- vaadanav maaLpe anudina| anudinadi sajjanar vyaadhigaL kaLedu sukhaviyo ||
  • SangnyaramaNa ninage vignyapisuvenu s- arvgnya neenendu sarvatra | sarvatra yenage bra-mhajnana bhakuti karuNiso ||
  • Sureegamyane vaak shareerbuddheejvaad-paar doshagaLa yenisade | yenisade bhagavanta- naradhaneyanittu karuNiso ||
  • the above is SURYA stuti everyone can recite this it is very powerful because its vyakhyaana is very detailed .. i encompasses CHANDOGYA UPANISHAT BHaashya , it details GAYATRI importance ...and also it highlights KARMA sakshitva of SURYA antargat NARAYANA
  • So this is no ordinary prayer .. it does what all mantras put together gives ..
  • MEANING - HEy aditya dev surya dev ! I daily do namaskaara to your two feet , kindly remove the diseases of SUJEEVI [ mokshyogya jeevas ] and grant the dehasaukhya [ physical health , bodily felicity ]
  • notes - For all saajna engaged in MOXa sadhana NAvagraha anugraha is very essential .. Grahantargat VISHNU is main subject/focus of PRAYER
  • notes - Chandogyaupanishat says " Asau vaa adityo devamadhu " , this is how MADHU vidya starts ADITYAnatargat VISHNU is only MADHU namak paramatma .. MADHu means SUKHASHRAYA ie one who bestows happiness . SO continuous upasana [ swayogya ] if i
  • ADITYA prasannata will get tadantargat MADHU namak Vishnu prasaad , that will in turn give scope for Nirantar SADHANa by obtaining SUKHA and SHANTI ..
  • the above vyakhyana clearly says ONE must be inclined to DO SADHANA , but for that one requires GOOD HEALTH and HAPPINESS and PEACE of MIND .. for this one must do MADHU namak Parmatma upasana .. that is easily gained by ADITYA prarthana as MADHU namak dev is always inside SURYA .. so this SURYA stuti is NANDI for SADHANA
  • notes - Sangya devi is wife of SURYA hence SangyaramaNa , Oh SUrya dev PAti fo Sangya devi , since you are SARVAGNYa all knwoing , hence I place my request with devotion , I urge with sincerety , in every birth and everywhere Please grant me , BRAMHA GYAANA - anantakalyaan guNa poorNa NArayana guna MAhima Gyaana and DHRUDh bhakti in NARayana
  • Notes - GYaana BHAKTi vruddhi [ increase ] is possible only through UPASANA of SURYANATARGAT GAYATRI namak HARI seva ..
  • SURYA lights up BHUMI antariksha swarga three worlds and he supports life in these theree worlds . HE is ever present in eyes CHAKSHURINDRiya and is also called as JAGATCHAKSHU .. thus SURYA is SARVAGNYA .. as devata and ALSO SURYANATARGAT NARAYANA is always SARVAGNYA
  • SURIgamya - Oh suryadeva one who is GOT by GYAANis only , manovaak deha janit appar dosha samooh , [ the doshas arising out f body mind and speech ] , unlimited mistakes ,without actually looking into them , without taking notice of these kindly bless ME with NARAYAN dhyaan rupa seva and and let NARYANA inside you be pleased with me ..
  • LORD NARYANA is attained by KNOWLEDGEd , and for this SURYA anugarha is IMportant ..
  • WHence one leaves his body , he gets MARGA which one traverses and gets SURYA gati and CHANDRA gati thus say shastras thsi SURYA gati is GOt by GYAANis with BODY on which pierces through LOKAs and SURYA loka is prominent here
  • all the actions done by BODY MIND and SPEECH is seen by SURYA DEVA so he is witness for all the KARMAS and is known as KARMA SAKSHI .. so all the GUna dosha of each KARMA is known by SURYa and also NARYANA as present in him .. Thus SURYA sees to it that by Giving GYAANA he reduces possibilities of DUSHKARMA and thus gradually at some point nOt noticing the doshas OH SURYA deva TAKE us near to HARI .. !!!!
  • such beautifully JAgannath dasaru has worshipped SURYA DEVA and tadantargat NARYANA .. this anusandhana will give definite surya shanti and siddhi
  • krishnarpanmastu
  • gayatri homa is done for shuchi , yogyata parrapti and cleaning of place
  • yes , but there are many forms ,. MADHU , GAYATRI sAVITRI SANDHYA many many forms ...
  • jyoti rupi HARI

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