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Monday, February 4, 2013

Gunapoorna Bhagavantha

Initially in the grip of ignorance , a jeeva has a feeling that HE is just a body , because body is what he see in mirror and that is what he identifies with It . THE ‘ ME ” is restricted to the body only . AT the peak of his health and strength , he exhibits his ‘ me . mine and self ‘ onto everyone , he does not care for the others’ wants needs and aspirations as he feels they lack something HE has something and he is entitled to what ‘HE ” has as ‘ me mine and self ‘ . The HAPPINESS is his , the enjoyments are HIS and it is HE the self the body that is all !!!!!
Slowly one day he feels that HE is not the same as HE used to be , he gets half breath midway running or going upstairs . Then HE for the first time first, has the experience of being weak , He remembers the all the OLD he had laughed at and ridiculed in his heydays and pashchattap and fear creeps in . HERE HE examines that body is not HE . This is attachment to body ,
because the qualities of BODY are not permanent . [ at the same time he respects others body he does not abuse the old anymore because he himself is afraid of abuse and is remorseful . ]

But at the peak of beauty he had wife who would love him and he would think its his youth that she loved [ so he was attracted to every other woman who would show fancy to his youth and wealth, but as youth fades away , many shun him , but what were truly HIS , they would still regard him the same , his body is crippled , hairline residing , many diseases sets in , but wife mother and near and dear still sere HIM with same love and vigour which he had mistook for YOUTHFUL ATTRACTIONS . Here FOR THE FIRST TIME HE understands , there is something beyond BODY that exists and its not the ' me and mine ' but something else that also expresses its need . ITS the mind . THE mind of pativrata wife , mother , devoted son , a truthful friend , a honest obedient servant , sees beyond body .
THESE arethe exhibition of extraordinary qualities by human mind , you get attached to it ., you yearn for youthful days , quality life with qualified people , who again you think as MINE .
this is attachement of mind ,
BUT even as we think , we find things do not happen as we plan think and wish . There is always something which takes away things that our body mind desires without our knowledge and controll . SOME call it destiny .
BUT at some point you see even these end , and you see that MINd is under the controll of SOMETHING big
BUT on the whole it gives us sense that someone is controlling pour lives and is more powerful than US .
BECAUSE were destiny in the hands of HUMAN , every human would have carved a beautiful life for himself , BUT THIS is never seen . EVRY human on earth is unhappy and yearning for something .
SO SOMEONE is there who is controlling and superior . HE does things against our wishes and is successful too .

WHen SOmeone is attached to his mind , manoabhimana . HE feels , what he analyses is right , what he feels is the ultimate thing existing in the world . SO when he sees a LION and fears it, owing it beings multitude times stronger , and raw brute and savage like force and wildness . HIS mind has reasoned and registered that LION is dangerous and one should fear, sometimes even a halucination of LION gives fear . animal is lowly creature dumb and subhuman . woman is youthful attraction , so he lusts it , what destroys his happiness , he exhibits anger onto it , when anger does'nt work , he laments . what he cannot acquire he greeds for it , what is others he feels jealous about it .
These are all self drawn conclusions of mind , WORST when one identifies self with his mind , he becomes narcissist or schizophrenic ie mental disorders .[ chitta bhram or chittaunmaad ]

WHEN manobhimana is rejected , when one sees himself as different from SELF jeeva , one understands that mind and body are under the control of SUPREME LORD .
NOW when one understands the qualities of LORD and secondarily the qualities of soul [ irrespective of body and mind ie irrespective of state of body and mental avastha ] you appreciate that difference that exists in magnanimity of these souls [ primarily LORD ] .
Now when you start realizing this to the full , then you shall see that even sub human forms respond to YOU in a different PLane . LIKE JATAYU , in RAMAYANA , DOG in MAHABHARATA , etc .
So its the quality that is more important than the form ,. LORD as LION is equally compassionate , as fish is equally ferocious , LAXMI devi in these forms equally recreates herself in the same way as BAHUBAHU rupas of PURUSHA as in animal forms of hayagreeva . LORD ENJOYS with LAXMI DEVIO in all the forms and all the forms exhibit superhuman qualities , just because LORD TAKES FORM in subhuman forms HE is NOT LIMITED BY qualities ,. HE IS ALWAYS GUNAPOORNA hence HE IS OM

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