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Sunday, February 3, 2013


  • sirf ek line ... NAKUL asked this question to BHEESHAM and it goes into many pages ..
  • i willwrite on this extensively in an hour
  • actually when nakul asked this question , BHeeshma said he ahd asked this question to a BRAMHAN aand whatever he said it turned out to be true inhis experience /// NAKUL asked what did he say ? he said HE had heard that as a discussion between YAMA and his dootas
  • MAITREYA says " oh guru parashara , I ahve known from YOU that there is not a THUMBs'sized place in this entire uNIVERSE which does nOT ahve a JEEVA a praani which is KARM baddha ie tied to KARMA , Oh muni once this longevity is over everyone becomes V
  • PARASHARA muni continues " oh MAitreya ! this question was asked by PUNYAVANTA NAKULA to BHEESHMA pitamaha and what Bheesmha said I am going to elaborate !
  • Bheesham says to NAKULA " o SON ! in early days my BRAMHANA friend named KALINGAk had visited my house , i had asked him his question , KALINGAK was JAATiSMAR [ one who remembers his PAST birts ] whatever he said I did believe in it and later I found no difrence in what he said and what I experienced in my lifetime ..
  • JAatismar KALINGAk said he knew a secret whcih happened before his eyes , YAMa directing his YAMAkinkara is what KALINGAK remembers ! he said once YAMA sitting on his throne called upon his SERVANt who was having a PASHA in his hands and secretly utter
  • the LEADER of DEVATAS chaturmukha BRAMHA has named me YAMA because I do niyamana of PRAJA , he has employed me to DO hitaahit ie GOOD and BAD betterment and punishemnt of PRAJA ... I AM under the control of SRIHARI and GURUJI only but NOT independent [ so says YAMA ]
  • ONE who enables me to do NIAYMANA [ maintenance and rule the world ] is SRIHARI NARAYANa only .. ONE who CONTROLS me and does My niyaman is LORD VISHNU he is my LORD too . JUST Like GOLD is instrumental in becoming KIRIT KUNDAL KAVACH abharan etc BUt
  • since it is LORD nARayana who does SARVA NIAYAMAN everyone everything is UNDER his CONTROL he is EXTOLLED a SARVASWAROOP
  • just as EARTHa nd WATER PARTICLES [paramanus ] which get accumulated in AIR as the air gets destroyed [ NEELAaNTE] ] gets mixed back in earth and water So also DEVATAs pashu and amanvs after PRALAYA [ due to GUNA KSHOBHA ] find laya in LORD [ ie stay in SUXMA sithithi ]
  • THE man who does NAMASKAARA to the LOTUS feet of LORD VISHNU which is worshipped by all DEVATAS , such man is free fof all sins leave that MAN thinking him to be akin that FIRE which has ben soaked and absorbed the GHEE
  • PASHAYUDH holding YAMABHAT listening to such words fo YAMA asked " oh YAMADHARMA RAJA ! our LORD , the ruler [ palak ] of the all PRAPANCHA ! HOW does this HARIBHAKTA look like and behaves like what are his LAXANAS ?"
  • YAMA says " one who thinks that among sukh dukha dwandva [ happiness and msieries ] just as DUKHA miseries happen in life without our asking for it and even if one does not desire .[ie it comes without our ichcha ] ... so also SUKHA comes even if we d
  • even ammong such VISHNU bhaktas who ahve clean mind shudhdha manas , if such person even though in KALIYUGA but has not been AFFECTED by KALIYUGA dosha and its SINS in mind ie UNTOUCHED by PRAMAADA ANYATHA GYANA MOHA shunya MANAS .. and ALWAYS does dhyana in such clean mind DHYANA of DUSHTAJANANASHAk SRIHARI [ the destroyer of eveil ones ] such a MANUSHYA KNOW him o be ATYANT HARI BHAKTA
  • a ten min break
  • one who find GOLD in aplace where no one is around and still does not desire for it thinking it to be akin to a grass blade and keeps his mind [ mind bereft of senseobjects vishyashunya manas ] only ON LORD NARAYANA such a person KNOW him to be SHRESHTHA HARI BHAKTA
  • LORD NARAYANA is DOSHADOOR ie he is UNTOUCHED by DEFECTS not a speck of it or smell of it in LORD and when such LORD stays in someones HEART [manas ] how can there be defects doshas like matsarya etc in him ?
  • just like a heat of fire does not take effect whenin ICE cold weather ..
  • WHEn in whose HEART LORD NARYANA , who is sarvatrayaami ,with his VISHESHA VIBHUTI rupa VASUDEVA rupa stays that person is NIRAMAL [ clean minded ] buddhi and is without doshas like asuyaa , he is acalm minded and with clean conduct [ shuddha charitra ] a friend of all praanis , dear to all , speaks words favourable to all , free from ahankaar and shaathya ..
  • HOW does VISHNU bhakta look like ?
  • LORD VISHNU who is nitya sits in the ehart of VISHNU bhakta ... his VISHESHA sannidhi makes teh afce of VISHNu bhakta exhibit vishesha sign on MUKHAPRAASAAd [ the sign that indicates teh presence of EVER SMILING COMPLETELY BLISSFUll NARAYANA ] thet PARAMANANDa is evident by SAUMYA aura radiating through the face ... JUST lika SAAAL tree shows a KOMALta [ tender feel ] indicating the JUICY earth under its ROOTS ..
  • BY teh yamas - ahinsa satya asteya bramhacharya aparigraha and by NIYAMAS like shauch santosh tapasya vedadhyayan SHRIHARI DHYAAN removing kalmmash [ dirt ] of mind always keeping the mind fixed in NITYA NARAYANA , having lost the MADA which makes mind chest bloat [ chaati phulna ] due to increase in wealth and subsequent garva .. having rejected teh PUJYATAbuddhi bestowed by peple that what is called MAANA ... andleaving the EGO that I wilnot bow to others called matsar .. al humans wh have overcome these HEY dootas LEAVE them dont G near them
  • WHen AVYAHat , SHADGUNAISHWARYA POORNA UTPATTIshunya chakrashankhaGADADHAR chaturvidh NAAShrahit swaroop SRIHARI sits inour hearts , how does SINS be in heart where destroyer of SIN sits ..? WHEN SUN has risen can there be DARKNESS ? [when a strong bALAVAdirOdhi vastu being there drubal vastu cannot be there ]
  • NOW what are the LAXANs of EKANTA VISHNU bhakta ?
  • one who thinks this entire world and himself s under the CONTROL of AVSUDEVA , HARI alone is SUPREME and sarvaniyamak and thus does his chinatan of thsi ACHYUTA with DHRUDHA buddhi in the mind ! LEAVE them from FAAR distance h yama dootas dont go near
  • why ? because the prson [ purush shreshtha ] whose heart is always engaged in the DHAYAN of NARYANA because of vsihesha SANNIDHAAN of LORD vasudeva , all the circumference of teh area till where this persons EYES can guage till that area SUDARSHAN cha
  • KALINAGk says to BHEESHMA , What SURYputra YAm tld to that YAMA BHATa , that yama doota told me this and i am narrating the same to YOU !" BHESHAM tells NAKUL . that bramhan told me that EXCEPT MAHAVISHNUthere is no one who can get us relieved from SAN
  • krishnarpanamastu
  • NOW how much we are away from being HARI bhakta .. how much SADHAN is required ,, is just reading puranas and shastras and discussiing on forum enough ! or just doing japa enough ? or seeing lines onpalms and graha positions in horoscopes enough? or somethingelse is required ?
  • first to be a hari bhakta .. second atyant hari bhakta , then shreshtha hari bhakta and then EKANTA harii bhakta ... " this is gist of PURANDAR dasar song ' MUTTABEDI MUTTAbediu urugavahan dasarannu .."

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