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Monday, February 4, 2013

Marriage and Caste - A puranic incident

  • Suppose king Dasharath is born in this era [ just like Prahalaad is born as RAYARU now ] and his three wives KAUSHALYA KAIKEYi SUmitra are also born .... wil they marry DASHRATh all the three or just ebcause monogamy law is there two other wives will remain unmarried .. WIll the law prevail or Rununubandha [ niyat patipatni runanubandha ] .. if the avatara also joins the second wife will society call him as having extramarital affair stree lola or say Oh it is his second wife third wife so on ?
  • this post is to analyse yathartha , MADHWAS need to have different view .. society is hypocritic today , laws are biased .. and anti religious .. but if people are religious wise and ASTIK having faith in concepts of DHARMA , automatically society changes
  • one thing to be noted in BRAMHAN sudra relationship in olden days was there was no formal marraige there yet Offsprings were labelled as son of bramhana [ prashava ], LIke VIDURA , gritsamad rishi , ajamila madhava ...
  • SO is it really right to say GIRLS would marry only an unmarried man .. what if they want to marry married man , other woman are up in arms ?
  • So what exactly is a runanubandha and an EXTRAMARITAL AFFAIR ? is there a difference ? or a debauch and multiply married man same?
  • the relationships where there are no guilts , where there is truth and natural easy going relationships ...they are runanubandha , the relationships where ther exist a guilt , a reduction in tejas , a change in voice[ swarbhanga ] , inability to do kartavya all these are failures in indriya nigraha ...
  • the word MARRIAGE sums it all .. people marrying are different than people LIVINg together ..
  • its really intriguing looking at some yesteryear MOVIES where two people compete to sacrifice in order to facilitate a marraige for other .. and then either compromise or kill once own emotion to marry other and feel proud about their sacrifice .. WHY ? just because one feels its crime to marry two people .,. and isnt it CRIME to marry a person whom you dont ahve any emotion ? but thats NS stories which made to big hits ..
  • so when faced with duality , look for marriage and not for satiating desire ... teh former is runanubandha the later is immoral activity ... a good person will look for relationship and not satiety ... but do not break existing ties .. if runanubandha does not exist the strong attraction will fade out ...
  • once upon a time there was a kING
  • his name was DISHtA , his son wwas NABHAG
  • we are talking about NIYAT PATIPATNI relationship ..irrespective of whether one is able to maintain or not , marraige happens is what we are driving conclusion .. a HIGH order JEEVA woman always MARRIES her NIYAT PATI .. she will not desire other
  • WOman is destiny/fortune personified ... so maintennace and rise in status comes with FORTUNATE woman , so that should not be the worrying criteria fr not marrying .. I know particularly a recent case where a RICH man constructed a AUTOMOBILE showroom in plush locality and then earned a DEALERSHIP of a very popular brand of cars and GAVE it to would be SON in LAW to MARRY his daughter as the boy had no job ... and GIRL was interested in marryingHIm and HIM only
  • Prince NABHAAG once saw a very beautiful VAISHYa girl ... and he fell in love with her and could not control his emotions and became totally enchanted . unable to to keep his mind in control he went to the father of the girl and asked for her hand
  • the father said , WE are all servants of KING , there is no equality between us , so Its not right on your part to marry below your station , you are supposed to RULE we are tarders
  • nabhaag said , what is eligible at a point is fit to be consumed , and later the same becomes ineligible to consume , so yogya ayogya is TIME determinant , whats important is how much is a THING desirable at the moment and that alone is criteria for BEING eligible or NOT ,. i am at present fully devastated state in complete desire to possess your daughter .. so IT is YOGYA only
  • THe father then said we are all paradheen [ depednent ] on YOUR father the MONARCH , and you are also subservient to your father , IF the KING aorder than I have no objection to give my daughter .. BUT then take permission from your father the KING .
  • NABHAAG says its always right to take advice from GURUS but then its not appropriate tospeak about KAAM vikaara to a GUru and then asking for remedy on it will be further indecent .. so i think decision here can be settled solely by us why involve elders ?
  • Vaishya says yes you are right If you talk about this , it may look like KAAM vishayak [ desire oriented talk ] talk , but if I speak that would not be KAAMvishayak charcha .. so I will TALK to your father
  • THEN VAISHYA went to the KING and put forward the desire of PRINCE befre him .... KING summones Bramharishis like RUCHIK and also the prince to palace and kept the matter for discussion
  • KING asked BRAMHRISHIS and unis what should be his KARTAVYA in such situation .. ?
  • BRAMHARISHI says " you ahving anuraaga on a VAISHYA kanya is not a big issue as far as DHARMA is concerned .. BUT that should happen ina NYAYAkrama .... SO first you must get married to a MOORDHABHISHIKTA KIngs' daughter and then you can marry this vaishya KANYA [ moordhabhishikta is one who is born to BRAMHA father and KSHATRIYA mother ]
  • BY doing so you will not get any DHARMa lopa or dosha , and your having ratisukha [ conjugal pleasure ] with VAISHYA woman will not result in LOSS of dharma ..but if not done in this krama then you wil face teh dosha of JAATi atikrama and lose your jaati too
  • NOT agreeing to the rishi's words , NABHAAG holding the ahnd of VAISHYA kanya declared I am resorting to RAKSHAS vivaha , and puuling out his sword , he SIAD if anyone wishes to RELEASE her from me HE can try ... seeing this VAISHYA father , pleaded with KING , |"trahi trahi " MAHARAJ became angry and ordered the army to attack his own SON NABHAAG
  • BUT expert in astravidya NABHAAG killed all soldiers , SO king himself came to war ... KING was more expert in astravidya and hence a GREAT war broke out between a FATHER and SON ..
  • AT that a great tapasvi and sanyasi was travelling in akaash marg and he descended down and TOLD the KING , oh king . it may be a vidharma to fight for yoru son who has become VAISHYA now ... BUT to fight a VAISHYA is not yur DHARMA ... so stop .. A bRAMHAN should first MARRY a BRAMHAN girl and then marry other kshatriya vaishya sudra ... then there is no chyuti [ falling down from his caste ] similarly a kshatriya shuld marry a KSHATRIYA girl and then he can marry vaishya sudra woman .. similalry a vAISHYA can marry sudra woman after first havinga VAISHYA wife only .. else theya ll fall down their caste to whom they are married .. .. since your mandabuddhi son has now married a VAISHYA kanya evenbefore amrryinga KSHATRIYA so now he has become a VAISHYA , now he cannot fight with a KSHATRIYA he has lost his ability and right for the same .. BUT why this happened , I am unable to understand , its beyond my capability but you stop this war immediatel;y
  • KING stopped the war and let the son marry vaishya kanya and become vaishya , SON came and asked what he should do next ?
  • KING said Go to BAbhravya rishi whatever work he decides for you you can do that
  • BABHRAVYA rishi said , krishi gopalan and vyapaar is apt for you go and do it .. so taking VAISHYA kanya nabhaag went away to do the krishi
  • NOW a son is born to the couple .. he is named as BHALANDAN
  • ONE day mother called the son and say GO and become a COWHERD ..
  • bhalandan took some cows as per mothers' wish but his mind was not interested in cowherd , he wanted to wield SWORD and rule ..
  • Bhalandan then went to HIMALAYAS and neareda RAJRISHI NIPA , bhalanadan said ," oh rishi i want to rule the world , HOW can I acquire a KINGDOM , i do not want to do VYAPAR gopalan .. kindly tell me a solution ?
  • RAjarishi NIPA taught all astravidya to bhalandan and blessed him to gain a kingdom
  • By that time vasuraat was ruling and asked his cousin to give back his kingdom .. vasuraat and others said you are a VAIUSHYA so go and do the krishi you are not supposed to do RAJYA .. and thus WAR broke out
  • BHALANDAN won teh war and snatched the entire kingdom and borught it to his FATHER NABHAAG and said FATHER come lets RULE NOW
  • NABHAAG said , i ahve given word to my FATHER and i cannot go against my father , he has ordered me to do krishi I am doing it , if you want you rule or leave it I am not interested BUT see being son of VAISHYA you are also VAISHYA , so you must give it back , but if you want ou RULE , but dont force me ..
  • i ahve once gone against father now again i acnnot do same mistake
  • i am already inelgible to reach heavens fr having gone against FATHER i do not know how will be my sadagati and nw if I again forego fathers words ONLY NARAKA will be reserved for me , and with such heavy punsihment ahead If i rule with my sterngth it will be still NIRVEERYA only .. one giving no results
  • AT that POINT his wife [ VAISHYA kanya ] SUPRABHA smiled and said .. RAJAN ! accept this KINGDOM .. NEITHER you are a VASHYA NOR AM i a VAISHYA kanya
  • YOU are a KSHATRIYA and even I have taken birth in KSHATRIYA lineage only ... NOW i shall teell you my PAST birth [ yeh astrology ke bagair koi gutthi nahi sulajhti bhaiyya ]
  • In the past there as a KING called SUDEVA ... he ahd a VERY good freind called NALA who was son of KING DHUMRASHVA
  • One day in VAISHKA masa both kings with their wives went to a near by garden which ahd many MANGO trees .. and there they enjoyed a picnic and ate and DRANK variety of SURA [ liquors ]
  • then there was asmall lake by the side where RISHI PRAMATi who was SOn of CHYAVAN rishi , his wife was atking bath , NALA in inebriated drunken condition , caught her hand and tried to force himself upon her .. at that RISHIpatni cried for help and aksed KING sudeva saying you ARE OUR king this man is misbehaving why are you not doing yoru dharma ?
  • KING did not reply owing to firend's desire /./ and by then PRAMATI rishi came hearing loud voice of his WIFE ... seeing NALA trying to drag his wife forcefully he went to the king and said , ITs your duty to look after safety of your PRAJA , we are al
  • PRAMATI rishi became red with anger and said " HEY VANCHAK ! traitor ! let it be so then you become VAISHYA .. Because you are inelible to be called KSHATRIYA , a kshatriya is called so because in his presence there neednot be anyone who would do "arta " and one who does arta rakshana ...
  • then PRAMATI turned to NALA and said " in a fit of pride you dared to touch my wife in my ashram , so immidiately you BURN to ASHES .. and even before PRAMATi finished a AGNI evolved from within and turned him to ashes
  • note - BRAMHANAS why dont they do inventions to get NOBEL prizes ... SEE even though capable PRAMATi first asked KSHATRIYA to do his duty , even when his wife was under stress , he abided by LAW .. when law failed he used his powers .. THAT is BRAMHANA !
  • SUDEVa regained his senses , seeing the power of BRAMHAN kumar , he fell onto his feet and said owing to drunken state he could not carry out his duty , please forgive , show a way out of curse , how will he get relieved from teh curse of being VAISHYA ..
  • PRAMATI said My words cannot be falsified so you will have to live like vaishya for some time , when someone forcibly takesaway your daughter in MARRAIGE at that you will remember your past and becaome KSHATRIYA AGain
  • SUPRABHA said this is story of my FATHER and now listen my PAST life oh KINg !
  • ONCE a ARAJARISHI by name SURAT was doing tapasya on GANDHAMADAN parvat [ this is teh parvat that HANUMAN brought ] ..
  • ONCE the rishi saw a bird who was holdinga sarika bird in her beak , suddenly dropped it onto the ground , seeing that RISHI filled with compassion became unconscious .. when he regained conscious , A girl was born out of his body .. that was me .. and RIshi took me as daughter as I came out of his cmpassion , he called me KRUPAVATI
  • growing day by day in his ashram KRupavati made many friends in the jungle and were moving about in jungle together with friedns .. One day AGSTYA muni's BROTHER came there and was gathering flowers for hsi POOJA .. as he was picking each flower ..the friends fo KRUPAVATi behaved in a amnner to enrage the MUNI
  • BUT turning to krupavati , MUNI cursed , for whatever reason you call me as TRADER of flower for the same reason you becomea VAISHY .as a curse..
  • krupavatu said it was my firends who amde mistake then why CURSE me ?
  • Rishi said , just like a bowl of panchgavya with association of a drop of alcohol becomes impure , so also evena innocent man in association with evil is termed evil .. BUT even though I ahve said hurtful words you still ask with mild manners and have
  • SUPRABHA said , oh husband you are born KSHATRIYA , MY father has ebcome kshatriya i ahve also regained my kshtariyatva so how you are reduced to VAISHYA by my sansarga ... so please be relieved and accept KINGDOM
  • BUT owing to VAIRAGYA did not accept KINGDOM and let his son BHALKANDAN rule !
  • krishnarpanamastu ..
  • bhalandan's SON was VATSAPREETI who killed teh enemy of INDRA KUJRUMBHASUR ..
  • how relevant is this story ?
  • give me inputs if it made any sense .. till then break
  • a bramhan married to NON dwija without marrying to bramhana becomes noin dwija [ point needs attention ] , many people who have done this stil feel they are bramhanas , and enter mutt and do shardhdha etc ..
  • If one does not do his duty and does others duty even by MIND he will be born as that caste next , so neech seva results in neech janma only ... BRAMHAN avhelana leads to NEECH janmas .. .. ONCE a group of bramhans decide you are supposed to do this J
  • NIYAT patni can be any woman ... any caste ..
  • but NIYAT PATI will be of higher caste ONLY .. and for DAITYAS and NS it will be reverse ...

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