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Monday, February 4, 2013

Sade sathi and its strange ways !

  • One who supports the person in sadessathi even that person gets affected and suffers ..
  • this is knwon by the poorvajanma charitra of SONS of PANDAVAS ... why did sons of PANDAVAS died wihout marriage and progeny ? whythey ahd to die at the hands of ashwaththama ?
  • yes
  • Once JAIMINI rishi asked MArkandeya rishi , oh rishi , just a sbramahan is shretshtha among the manavas , so also mahabharat is greatest among the purana itihaas, iahve some doubts in his mahabharat kindly clear my doubts
  • Jaimini rishi asks even though born to great Pandavashow did prativinnbdyaetc draupadi sons died without marraige .
  • ten minutes break
  • Once there was a KING named HARISCHchandra
  • sab so gaye lagta hai
  • HARISHCHANDRA was a just ruler andnoone ever thought of doing adharmik karyain his kingdom ...everyonedid only dharma and no woman ever bor a child prior to attaining YOUTH .. no one ever died prematurel;y and even though praja was brimming withwealth and propsperity none exhibited any form a ego ... it was and idela kingdom
  • NOW it is to be noted that when everything is OKAY , everyoneis happy and we are in best of our period , we may think we are settled and nothing go wrong from here .. everything is just perfect and future is safe [ it has been insured ] BUT when sade sati comes even the most stable thing withers away like a speck of dust in toofan called SADE SATI
  • RAJa HArishchandra one day went into the FOREST to hunt ... there he heard some woman crying for help " oh SOMEBODY help somebody HELP we are in danger , somebody is FORCIBLY taking us against our wishes "
  • RAJa harishchandra shouts " dont worry your king is here , WHo in presence of HARISHCHANDRA has left moha on his own life , to get to adharmik act , I shall send him soon to YAMA fr such act ! lady do not fear .. !
  • NOW what was the real story .... VIshwamitra was trying ISHAAN mantra siddhi which he was not eligible for ... the siddhis [ the ladies were afraid ] that even though not eligible VISHWAMITRA is forcibly trying for her ... so all vidyas that wuld come
  • KING with avehsa of GANAPTY in roaring ANGRY voice [ his anger increased as GANAPATY made it more and more severe ] and reached the spot where WOMEN were crying ... as he loudly shouted with his bow strapped , who is the PERPETeror of sin ? " VISHWAMIT
  • VISHWAMITRA asked , you the lwoly craeture comeout why are you hiding ? KING came out trembling and with folded hands falling on the feet of VISHWAMITRA said , Oh SIre " I have been doing my duty , of protecting my praja in my kingdom, its not correct of you to punsih me the one staedfast in doing MY dharma , I am eligible for your KARUNYA and mercy do have mercy on me "
  • VISHWAMITRA asked " what is your DHARAM let me knOW"
  • KING said giving daana and protecting the weak is my dharma , daan to eligible bramhanas and those who ahve lost tehir livelihoodis dharm of teh kINGS .. and protecting people from sinners and waging war for that is also my dharma "
  • VISHJWAMITRA said okay then I am eligible bramhana , and i seek daana , would you give ? KING seeing hope f his survival immediately said anything that you would wish I shall give Oh great sage , I am thankful that you have shown mercy on me "
  • VISHWAMITRA said " okay give me daana f wealth as fit for doing RAAJSOOYA YAGNYA " KING said that given anything that you would require do ask first .. " VISHWAMITRA asked then give me ALL that you possess as land , surrounded by LAVAN SAMUDRA your per
  • NOW VISHWAMITRA ordered YOU should not stay in the alnd where I am prabhu so choose yourself the place to live where My kingdom does not exist there is no place for you here .. you can leave immediately taking your WIFE and young child right now , and yes remove your crown , ududaara and wear only valkal
  • AS king gave up everything and was ready to leave ..VISHWAMITRA asked , WHERE is my dakshina of wealth for ARAjSUUYA yagnya , if you dont give promised your kula will be destroyed
  • King said i ahve given you everything now i have nothing to offer , can i repay that in the curse of time .. VISHWAMITRA asked how much time do you require , KINg said 1 month .. and giving permission to KINg asked him to leave immediately ..
  • entire praja of the KING went after him asked him to wiat andnt go leaving them behind , praja asked how will such a great KING live , look at hisfeatures so bright with RAaj laxans theyw ill get dusty by the dust ,. tthe kingw ho enver left anywhere
  • KING comforting his wife , looked at VSIHWAMITRA and said sire I am leaving !
  • this act moved VISHWEDEVATAS and they immediately said OH BRAMHAn athis is not right fo you .. IF a grreat KING who does YAGNYAS is tio face such insults we shall not be taking any SOMAras of any KINGS .. whats the use of great karmas ... such acts m
  • VISHWAMITRA said .. okay you shall be born as humans [ but will nt get into biurth cycle of humans again andd again ] , you shall die unmarried without children and gain back DEVATVA ..
  • SO these vishjwedevatas were UPAPANDAVAS who were born due to curse and never married and were killed by SHWATHTHAM a[ nrlipta killing without raaga dwesha ] so no further births and regained DEVATVA
  • vishwedeavats are vasus
  • HARISHCHANDRA got raajsuya phala .. it was prarbdha , one of the anadi taptrayas [ like pandavas going to vanvasa]
  • MORAL is when you are in sade sati , do not anger bramhanas , elders , 2> dont overpromise 3> keep low profile 4> face everything with courage if something ahppens despite precautions 5> dont get emotional .. 6> do your duty with faith in LORD 7> never abuse your opressor in sade sati [ he will be inavariably doing good to you ] 8> dont count on support [ they will immediately fall at feet of your opressor ] 9> you ahveto face your own troubles .. 10 > never think you will be always stable ... sukh dukha comes in phases be always prepared
  • we wil continue harishchandra story in coming days with more morals and making best of bad times ...
  • did you like the story

1 comment:

  1. What kind of crap is this? Cleanup your english or write in another language or use a spell check. It reads like gibberish!
