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Friday, March 22, 2013

MOVING EARTH vs Stationary EARTH ! what is the truth ?

  • Mohan you can present your poorvapaksha in sankshep as to what you find as most glittering FOR on this topic , and then I will counter ...
  • we will not use shastra statements at all .. i will be using only science to refute the MS argument .. but jury must acknowledge the science is the concept and evict the scientifically superstitious and blindfolded
  • Okay MS give the first one liner
  • Ramesh Laxmisan is an IIT ian .. he can also be a jury
  • well thats a good start .... SO the first contention of poorvapaksha is that atmosphere moves along with earth ... and hence relative speeds of the objects on earth and atmosphere is zero so no havoc can be caused ... SO IF WE PROVE THAT RELATIVE SPEEDS OF ATMOSPHERE AND OBJECTS IS NOT ZERO but VARIABLE will this argument be silenced .. ?
  • So lets take an object on equator ... For the Earth to rotate once in 24 hours, it would need to be moving at 1,669.8 kilometers per hour (km/hr) at the equator. (Note: 1,669.8 km times 24 = 40,075 km, which is the diameter of the earth at the equator. Perhaps you are used to that figure in miles, which is approximately 24,902 miles.)
  • If the Earth rotated about its polar axis, it would have to be moving fastest at the equator and slower at each mile closer to the north and south poles. Theoretically, the tiny point at each pole would not be moving at all.
  • why ? because alllongitudes have equal circumference but then lattitudes have smaller circumferences .. so as the we reach north pole .. the object nearer to pole will have less distance to be covered in 24 hours and hence will have to move slow .. HOW SLOW ?
  • so at 90 deg lattitude speed wil be zero at 60 deg it will be 834.9 mph that is at oslo norway ....
  • at 50 deg ukraine it will be 1073.32 mph
  • at 40 deg columbus ohio chile it will 1279.14 mph
  • at 30 deg 1446.08 at new orleans BRAZIL and at quito equador 1669.8 mph
  • NOW consider the air just near your feet is it atmosphere .. above the earths crust ... whe you are standing at delhi it will be rotating at different speed and as you walk towards eqautor the air is moving faster ... so technically every delta X change in distance has variable spee of atmosphere .. and it is not constant ... so when an object moves from place A to Place B owing to varying speeding molecules of atmosphere hitting him does it not give rise to varying thrust and force onto him ... do we feel any such varying pressures ... as we move ... THE LOGIC given is that since the atmosphere and people are moving at constant speed there is zero relative speed buyt from above it is clear that even a change in delta meters there is change in speed so how is relative speed zero ?
  • agreed realtive speed is zero at that lattitude .. but what happens when object moves from one lattitude to other ,, does he get thrust or NOT
  • isnt the moving object facing variable atmosphere speed ? By that logic atmosphere varues even to Micro meters in its vicinity it is not that for a band of lattitude atmosphere remains same ? think scientifically ?
  • objects speed changing with its moment from north south all by itself isnt that a great imagination ... i mean a when calculating a projectile do we consider that at point it was having x atmospheric pressure and and point B it changed due to rotation of earth to y // no scientist ever considers this in projectile motion ? JURY can step in
  • WHEN WE SEE .. IN REALITY ACCORDING TO THE DIFFERENTIAL SPEED even when you move your foot a step ahead the air one feet ahead is at varying speed then your body one feet back .... now SAYING BODY AND FEET ARE TRAVEELING AT VARYING SPEED SHOUDL SPLIT THE BODY
  • i will leave this argument here ... for the good senses of jury !!!! and proceed to next step of arugument in my favour keeping the topic atmosphere ..
  • for that kindly calculate the change in speed for small changes then it will be clear what i am talking .... [ please remember your argument for splashing of water .. a small disturbance of splash could alter the G force on water ... ] so what stops from body getting a force onto it ... do we anytime suffer such force while walking .. kindly calculate the amount is 20 miles for a deg and mile for a minute of arc ... you go from one end of city to other you experience a mile /hour chamge ... ? i have not seen . but calculations shows ... so it is not negiligible ...
  • MY next argument is ..... MS says the change in speed of atmosphere along the lattitude shoudl not affect the commuter ... that means if one goes from centre to POLE ie 3963 miles .. he faces no problem in atmospheric changes that shoudl ahve actually happened due to variable atmo .... BUT see a man climbing a mountain ie 10000 ft that is just two miles .. faces shortage of oxygen
  • why ?
  • All of this shows that there is more oxygen near sea level (i.e., at the surface of the Earth) than higher. The higher into the atmosphere one travels, the lower the amount of oxygen there will be, because the air is thinner: There are fewer molecules per square meter. That is true even though the percentage of oxygen is about the same (roughly 21 percent) at each level or altitude.
  • The rotational velocity of the air atmosphere, V, is given by: V=2πr/T Where r is equal to R + h, R is the radius of the rigid Earth, h is the altitude height (from the surface) and T is equal to 24 hours. In any rotational system, the larger is the radius r, the greater is the angular velocity V, the greater is the angular momentum (m V r), and the greater is the amount of inertia (m times r-squared), where m is the mass
  • let jury decide .. after i give my angular velocity logic
  • 2π/T is a constant when Earth rotation is considered, since T = 24 hours.................Each atmosphere layer should have a different angular velocity; the angular velocity becomes greater at higher altitude......................rotational velocity at the surface of rigid Earth is 1670 km/hr.” But if one goes to an altitude of 500 km (which is getting toward the limit of the atmosphere and the boundary with space – but is not quite that far up), the “rotational velocity at this height is 1800 km/hr (500 m/s)
  • we are talking about rotational velocity as we go away into atmosphere away from earth into space PLEASE NOTE
  • this is second argument
  • In other words, to be traveling along with the Earth as it rotates around its axis (if it did!), atmosphere at 500 kilometers would be moving at 500 meters per second (about 1,118 mph). Near sea level, the atmosphere would be traveling at 1670 km/hr, or about 1,037 mph. That is about 81 mph greater. So at 500 km (about 311 miles above sea level) the pressure of the atmosphere (gas) would be greater than at sea level.The greatest pressure is at the farthest point from the center of the rotating body or part.
  • Since we know that actual atmospheric pressure decreases with altitude instead, the Earth cannot be rotating and have the atmosphere we know.
  • MS you cannot say this now complex etc .. your arguments were NASA knows better SCIENCE so it has to be dealt with in depth to see what is what ?
  • NOw someone should telll me why atmospheric pressure is low whereas physics says it should be high ?
  • YOUr argument was if lattitude changes automatically relative speed changes ... now in the above post even if lattitude does change but MAN goes higher into space he has to face change in atmo speed ... BUT is that seen ... instead an opposite observation is seen ... so where is the observational rationalism gone ?
  • the gaseous atmosphere, if rotating with the earth, would exhibit properties for which the centrifuge is made: Heavier elements and molecules would be driven outward. That means there would be relatively more oxygen than hydrogen at high altitudes, and more hydrogen than oxygen (by percentages) near sea level. That is because oxygen is heavier than hydrogen. And the result does not agree with reality (that says the percentage of oxygen stays the same with altitude - just the amount decreases).
  • tell me by ABOVE isnt it obvious that EARTH Is STATIONARY .. as reality is exactly opposite to what physics shows it has to be ? secondly .. there is no relative zero too even at same latitude .. just jump a bit atmo changes
  • MS your argument is atmo does miraculous change on body objects and everything with each miniscule chnages in motion ... yet with temperature it violates the dynamic adjustments of rotational logic and shows tremoundously opposite characteristics ,,, SO ACCORDING TO YOU TEMPERATURE has a greate role than rotational dynamics ... IF SO then when body changes its position from place A to place B .. before your magical forces act to make **relatively zero ** there has to be intercation of varying speed air molecules on body causing great friction and thrust conevrting into heat and a big temperature change which should be able to nullify the ** forces of zero relativity conservation **
  • JURY before I go further .. please sum up this round after MS answers '
  • please read my comment if temperatur is very great force then it nullifies your first stance that with lattitude relative zero can be maintained ... because for such maintenance a high heat generated has to be doused !!!!
  • MS one last question .. You have agreed to variable speed at lattitudes .... and DO you agree when a person moves from system A [ at lattitude x1 with speed Y1] to system B [ lattitude x2 with speed y2 ] there will be some friction he will face ?
  • kindly answer yes or NO
  • If your answer is No then it is against physics .... if yes then you will have define a phenomena that douses the friction and heat and temperature changes which will make relative speed zero ... [ this can only be an imaginative system .. as we dont face any heat while moving from place A to place B ] if such a system exists ., its parameter needs to be known and taken into consideration while calculation simple motion of projectiles in life which NO scientists does .. I sum up ... JURY can take over ... what is the conclusion of this round .. I feel MS has not offered any logic l... his defce was weak
  • MS if you see angular momentum logic .. farther we go more shoudl be atmospheric pressure .. but in reality it is less for this you have given temperature as factor ... now you say it not major factor .. that is contradictory
  • you have not read properly ..... MS .. if at lattitudes air moves at terribly half the speed [ isnt that significant change from 60 to 30 ] .. now this movement of air is due to rotation [ as shown ] then you have agreed that it gives friction ... friction has to give heat.... heat gives temperature increase .. [and this is not felt in reality ] so if relative zero is to be achieved then this temp heat should be oppositely doused by a phenomena [ which acts at infinite speed ] ... can such a thing be possible ?
  • RK jury isnt the atmosphere rotating along with earth as per poorvapaksha ... then isnt the air molecules that move at equator will move at lesser speed at 60deg lattitude ... these aair molecules ..dont they interact with moving object ?
  • if they interact with moving object [ the object that has moved from equator to 60deg ] , then this object should face friction owing to varying speed .. this shoudl cause heat
  • NOW in our day to day life we dont see this heat ... that means if rotating earth were true .. then then HEAT is DOUSED immidiately at [ infinite speed ] only then relative zero can be accepted .. ... BUT DOES ANY SCIENTIST EVER CONSIDER JUST INFINITEY FAST DOUSING phenomena .. in day today physics ..
  • Ms saying it is just complex .direct relation cannot be taken . is not a logic .... because NEWTON does take a simple force onto a moving object without considering any atmo etc .. isnt that too simplification .... and yet acceptable .... infcat NEWTON halucinates an experiment hypothetical that one can go on a huge mountain and throw a stone projectile so that it can rotate around earth ... so all halucinations are scientific freedom Is IT ?
  • WHEN a shastra says it is complex science demands it nbe simplified .. and when science is asked for explanation it says complex .. that is not allowed in a fair debate ... whatever complex has to be established ...
  • you will have to say why such a friction is not seen ... which is very obvious and logical ... saying it is complex however it happens is no argument , its superstition ...and can be commented like snake swallowing sun ..
  • while prativadi has accepted varying speed ... friction and yet not replied to heat temp and its absence ... it is clear this round has seen weak defence
  • MS .. se newtons laws all are direct relation only taking a ball of mass and distance .. and nothing else .. has anybody disputed newton with lack of cmplexity ?
  • RK jury ... 0.08 km is 80 mts per hour .. that diffrence would make even anil kumble a fast bowler
  • kindly explain coriolis effect and show how it suppresses the differences in atmo speed
  • The erroneous bit of folk wisdom you refer to says that water always drains in a clockwise direction in the Southern Hemisphere, and in a counterclockwise direction in the Northern Hemisphere. The supposed reason for this "fact" is the Coriolis effect, which has to do with the effect of the earth's rotation on moving objects.
  • EVEN IF coriolis effect is accepted [ say just for fun of it ] ... it acts only to keep the motion along the earth ,. THIS [ RK jury please note we do not dispute ] ... is accepted that air is moving along earth .. BUT DOES THAT MAKE AN OBJECT which has arrived from equator with 1600 speed SUDDENLY depress into 839 mph .... NO it just makes it follow clockwise or counterclockwise [ that too not for bathtub water ie air too at foot level ] ... so this argument is no good
  • MS it doesnt exist for atmo has been proved by experimentation !!! please note
  • MS oh ho .. water in a bath tub and atmosphere at foot level dont they have similar effects if a PHENOMENON has to exist .. it has to act on air molecules above draining water too ...
  • MS you need to give comprehensive answer to this too " BUT DOES THAT MAKE AN OBJECT which has arrived from equator with 1600 speed SUDDENLY depress into 839 mph .... NO it just makes it follow clockwise or counterclockwise
  • if this round is summed up I will make another presentation of facts
  • MS instead of saying corolius effect proves that earth is rotating ,, kindly concentrate on answering the cons of coriolis effect .... IT is just an explanation for a phenomena .. it is not proof .... so it can be countered ..
  • and WHY DOES THSI CURRENT not appicable for ICE CAPS of ANTARCTICA .. i mean even they are moving .. so current should exist but we dont see ICE CURENTS
  • Yes...speed decreases gradually only ...ans not abruptly because such abrupt changes do not happen.where's the contention.?..... is the MS answer ... MS has forgotten that S RK jury has pointed there is change in 80 meters per hour speed for every km ... ie if a SPINNER in cricket goes one km away from his birth place he would bowl 80 mteres/hr more faster into the east wicket ... BUT SPINNER always remains a spinner not a fast bowler as he goes to northern lattitude
  • September 12, 2012 at 11:55am
  • MS what IF spinner is bowling into the west against the rotation ?
  • The statement saying earths rotation can alter is indeed bizzare has anybody in centuris ever recorded a 26 hour day ?
  • what is against observational logic how can it be called THEORY ... and also wind flowing towards east will add to things moving east and will deter things moving west ,. HOW CAN THEY BE SAME ? Jury to note ... smilarly for one travelling north the wind will be pperpendicular ...
  • MS you must give solutions to questions raised by US .. instead you are seeking NASA links to prove ROTATION .. if links Proved ROTATION then there is no debate at all
  • RK never in history of mankind has there been a slightest change in rotation ... this is confirmed !
  • OTHERWISE even if milliseconds change .. we would have two leap years
  • MS logic and halucinations dont go hand in hand ... if clocks do so then RAHU does eat SUN
  • NOW MS your arguments are increasingly beoming superstitious .... relativistic clocks does it make a 23 hr a day to 24 hr a day ..
  • CAN jury sum up the findings till now ..
  • I can show you MS // we shall come to that
  • NOW relativity .. perhaps I know better .. SO unless topic comes it is difficult to say whether statements made are corect or wrong .. so judgement should be reserved
  • THERE is no need to digress topic at this point ./.. The round 1 was whether there relative zero // I have proved suffciiently it causes basic violation of physics ...
  • RK jury when a person moves from x point to why point its speed changes .. so also a ball when it moves NORTH it has to slow down .. when bowling against the rotation its speed is negative isnt it .... or not ?
  • suppose earth is rotating west to east .. atmo is also along west to east at 1660 mph ..if I bowl something against it .. and it is recorded at 140mph .. what is relative speed of bowl
  • RK jury we are asking actual velocity for an object in AIR ... not on ground ...
  • HARSHAL jury .. relative speed betwen earth and atmosphere is not zero in varying bands ...
  • say if for every km 80 mph change is seen ... so every 100 meters 0.8 meters per hour is seen .. and for every meter 0.08 mph change is seen .. so where is relative zero .. it is dynamicallly changing even with cm
  • air movement isnt it changing every cm of space .. how can one imagine that for entire pitch of cricket the air is constant and relatively same wrt earth
  • what you have said now MS is not physically possible ... because we do not take such constraints while calculating speed ...
  • RK jury let me bring spashtata .. in your assumption ... the air at point x1 y1 speed ... at x1+ 1 mt it will y1+0.008mph more ...
  • say a ball is bowled at 150 mph ...
  • what MS is saying is at x1 ball is having y1+150 mph .. and at x2 it becomes -y1-0.008 +150 mph so that it is relatively zero and as it goes further it keeps losing ... speed only to maintain zero and 150 mph ... what makes that ball lose momentum owing to being on earth is IT EVER EXPALINED ... no its just assumed
  • MS [Acharya...I am not bothered if you take such constraints or not. That's how you should go about it speaking theroetically ] ..... this quote is again superstition ....... you are accepting a dynamically changing air speed against your ball and yet taking it as NIL ... isnt that gross simplification ...
  • RK jury the scenario exists in all directions for science .. so that is over simplification ..
  • MS you have accepted at every infinitisimal point air speed is different .. so ball which has left hand how it will know it is countering y1 speed at x1 and y2 at x2 infinitesimally small x1 and y1 .. and adjust to become relative zero ? please explain the phenomena dont say IT IS SO
  • RK but in practical world can you say you are in perfect east west any slight ske isnt that going to cause problems .. do we see any such ?
  • MS because relative position of passenger changes .. plane is insulated else external air would never make passenger safe
  • SO as we dont see any such extraneous plus minus of forces automatically acting on balls or objects [ to get relative zero ] it is definite that there is no rotation and hence no botheration to dynamics .. safely projectiles can assume a static conditions and they work ...
  • September 12, 2012 at 12:51pm
  • MS say plane is moving at variable speed .. will you be able to change seats ..
  • why do you experience jhatka // ? if plane changes its speed ever now and then .. if that happens continuously .. [ as air is shown to have ] people will murder pilot ..
  • So you have agreed that when the moment that is [with you or against you ] not constant will cause force thrust friction on you and hence you cannot change seats ..... in atmosphere theory there is assumtion that it is constant but I HAVE PROVED that for every centimeter it chages that means it is variable and like plane it should cause friction which is not seen reality ... so earth is not rotating
  • I will give more points in second round ... wrt to satellite technology ... lets sum up round one
  • okay ,, but i need answers to question and not fresh diverging arguments .. round 1 is about relative zero only ... so your arguments should be for relative zero ... not fresh rotational logic
  • so JURY agrees to variable speed .. at every point ...
  • Okay we will continue when jury's are active
  • I am enjoying MS being on backfoot .. else its always shastra bashers who go on spree freely ...and rarely exercise restraint ... but i will promise this should be waterloo
  • September 12, 2012 at 1:50pm
  • Mohan I went dep because you acuse that except NASA nobody has cosmos knwoledge or physics so i had to just give sample ..
  • NO i am not science like advaita creates illusory statements .... where convenient they use things like negligible , not applicable ... etc etc .. and for others they want everything to be logically laid bare ... this is just like your favourite argument of adhyasa bhasha ..
  • Don't underestimate science and others who have spent lives discovering new facets..----------unquote ...... nobody has discovered anything by years of research ... all the theories are present in kalinga shastra
  • September 12, 2012 at 2:24pm
  • what I am talking is also years of research MOHAN ,, and i am equally attributed with new things DONT DISCOUNT THAT
  • certain things we shall leave it for time to solve ..... for now task at hand is relativezero - a hoax !!!!
  • MS if ever you get a chance do observe the space from telescope and analyse the data .... 90% problems will be solved
  • THEY were just following their books thats all ...its grossly over estimating a mletcha brain that he coudl possibly write something in his drawing room over years of thinking and that is UNIVERSAL TRUTH ... the fact is they got a readymade theory ...
  • EVEN rishis and BRAMHANs dont get visions of TRUTH by just sitting unless they have UPADESHA .. so how can a mletcha have it except to delude
  • Einstien who was a duffer all along suddenly how did he get a formulae .. people say he locked inside the room and went on thinking and got it ... is that really possible wrt to nuclear and space science ... and that getting it accurately implementable within life span ...there is HIGHER things into it .. stories dont reflect truth
  • without doubt long as they are in that birth , they are
  • even for discussion sake we must not say here is amiss in ACHARYAs like madhwa rayaru etc or amiss in shastra ... so says VADIRAJARu that leads to naraka ..
  • else we have to be always be consuming Genta MYSIN . arithro mysin ... amplisin all mysins ...only ...
  • September 13, 2012 at 6:33am
  • CAn we move ahead to round two .. as variable speed of air over continuous patch of the area has been established .. and that sets zero relative speed of objects wrt earth at jeopardy and suspicious ...
  • object acquiring varying speeds at every delta motion is against science ... how can object know that it is at particular altitude and needs to acquire particular speed to compensate for zero relative speed .. what gives it that acquisition of speed variably /.. [ to prove this it will be a mathematical nightmare ..... ]
  • when you observe a particles under SUN's rays we observe that particles move in various direction and not only just west to east ...
  • nightmare has been used to say that it is impossible ... because passenger inside aircraft if not given controlled atmosphere ... they will not be able to travel in plane ... try sending a man at 500mph . is that possible .... NO ... so velocity being acquired being on a system .... and being outside it is different ... DOES the air outside the aircraft get a drift in opposite direction negative to its natural movement or with aircraft .... NOW is AIRCRAFT flying with summed up speed of AIR at earths rotation + propelled speed ? kindly reply .. yes or no that will takle next argument
  • MS let us get back to basics , why is air rotating along with earth ?
  • why it should not be considered . ant is not stuck owing to your characteristics it is on you owing to its own characteristics , so as long as the motion is uniform it is intact else it slips off ..irrespective of its dynamics [ movements ] as we change speed ant is never stable ... GK neither is pen and liquid ink in it RUN at variable speed ink will spill pen will hurt you even though in pocket .... that is effect of VARIABLE SPEED ././try taking aircraft at variable speed all the passengers will break a teeth or two ... there is no RELATIVE ZERO even in AIRCRAFT if speed is VARIABLE
  • since air is at variable speed ..the ball moving thru it cannot acquire instantaneous variable acceleration ..
  • he answer is because air is glued to the earth by gravitational and since earth is rotating...the stuff glued to it also rotate----------unquote ......MS ............ MS so you agree gravitational force is only factor ....and it is independent of mass of object over earth ... so G is only factor ... If the air is moving at variable speed [ which is accepted ] ... HOW can a single factor G change over every gradient the SPEED ... say G is propotional to speed of air over earth ... if speed has to change WHAT IS THE FACTOR ? kindly use logic now
  • as far as basic goes G is almost constant .at every point on earth ... so eart moving at variable speed at various places ,, should make air over it move slowly or fast ... WHAT accounts for it if G is constant ?
  • keshav has a point ..
  • MOHAN you have not understood my question ... let me repeat .. please read or JURY must make known .... if G is CONSTANT ... how can air glued to it rotate at variable speed at infinitsimal changes in places ... and also the objects ... HOW CAN A SAME CONSTANT account for variable speed ... as mass is independent factor ... what is the OTHER FACTOR please make known SCIENTIFICALLY ...
  • RK jury IS my question VALID please make known ?
  • MS you are not addressing my question .... aircraft is closed controlled system ... if you peep outside aircraft half body inside ,, you shall not be able to keep you r hand here and there .. even though your entire body is inside aircraft
  • sitting on airplane also one acquires speed of airplane does it get sustained even for a minute ?
  • in a bullet train which is open ..mosquito cannot move from compartment to Cmptmnt .neither men ...please note .. if train is enclosed .. and moving at constant speed .. then men mosquito can fly .. if at variable speed .. even mosquito will get washed away ...
  • MOsquitoes dont fly at doors of train ...or windows ...
  • September 14, 2012 at 11:27am
  • NOW people are resorting to statements rather than proof .. I have asked if G is the only factor responsible for a closed system then it is known that G is constant ... how can a single constant account for variable speed at every infinitisimal chnages in spatial coordinates ? please answer rather than giving statements EARTH - ATMO is closed statement ...
  • assumptions of closed system do not make a proof of concept [ ie rotation ]
  • RK jury exactly ...THE sunlight ... the roving cameras of outer space sending signals .. all this confirm it is not closed ...
  • MS there is no common point at all .. we have diabolically opposite frame of reference ...
  • ONUS is we prove .. I AM VITANDI FOR YOU .. so you will have to answer MY QUESTION ..
  • GK but do you concede basic physics that single constant cannot contribute to variable speed .... I hope its very basics
  • i will demonstrate that this constraint is concealed b SCIENTIST when the implement ideas of G ... in next round
  • MS i have asked very basics questions .. I am yet to dell into depth ...if at basics itself one says quit ... then it shows how ridiculous is this theory ROTATING EARTH
  • YES i explain again .... In the first few posts I have sufficiently demonstrated that air is variable at every delta change in space ... when a ball is bowled ... it is facing variable speed air thrust on it ....but again the ball is said to be acquirng this variable speed at every instant [ due to some unknown phenomena ] is prativadi [ as popular argument goes ] what saying .... to account for zero relative speed ... NOW BALL is acquiring variable speed wrt air around it mysteriously .... PRATIVADI says it is due to gravitation .... NOW IF G is responsible ... G is constant .. so a constant should give a constant out put ... why is it GIVING variable output ? if it is giving variable o/p what is the factor other than G or within G that enacts this mysterious variation on BALL
  • BALL and as well as AIR
  • RK jury your question actually helps me in nexxt few discussion rounds .
  • I am nil in physics .. RK jury .. i am refering to GRAVITATIONAL force as abstractly put forward by pratvadi as G .. is it constant or varying ?
  • SAMEER let prativadi form an opinion if it constant or variable ,, either way he will enter abyss ... YOU SEE NEWTONIAN physics is challeneged by many scientists also and there are many alternate theory of gravitY ... but newton and his aides used brute force to silence them ,,, and that phase is of science is bloody as well ..
  • RK let me give some idea of CAPITAL G .. to show how shaky science is .kindly look at this ciatation " G is quite difficult to measure, as gravity is much weaker than other fundamental forces, and an experimental apparatus cannot be separated from the gravitational influence of other bodies. Furthermore, gravity has no established relation to other fundamental forces, so it does not appear possible to calculate it indirectly from other constants that can be measured more accurately, as is done in some other areas of physics. Published values of G have varied rather broadly, and some recent measurements of high precision are, in fact, mutually exclusive"
  • NOW .. for major part of the discussion .. when this jury was not formed .. SHASTRAS were accused of not having observatory freedom and too simplistic .. and it went for a whole day .... NOW I want to just go to basics to show that it is actually SCIENCE and its development which is more simplistic [ like a child observing the world around him ] and trying to dole out a opinion ... when confronted harder .. even scientists of repute shake ... ask any scientist most basic questions he will get angry , and or use ridicule as tool to get away ... but never address from basics .. this escapist approach has kept it alive till date
  • The FAC correction factor (Δg) can be derived from the definition of the acceleration due to gravity in terms of G, the Gravitational Constant (see Estimating g from the law of universal gravitation, below):
  • g is proportional to G isnt it .at sea level ... but changes for things above sealevel .. [ please keep this point in focus JURY ] as we discuss GEO STATIONARY SATELLIETE
  • RK jury taking the discussion further I would like to draw attention to the fact that every constant is ambigous accepted by science itself leaving a margin of error ....NOw using these ambigous terms some certainl sure unambigous results are attributed to SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY .. which any logical brain should reject .. HOW i shall show
  • I need confirmation from JURY and prativadi whether last post is in good spirits of sceintific ambit
  • so shall we start round two or prativadi quits here itself .. so there is no debate left
  • QUOTE ' Now how do we know that this theory is absolutely true and part of nature. There is no way to know this. Theories are always corroborated and NOT proved. This is my opinion and they are statistical in nature." UNQUOTE ... that is where the LOGICIAN discards science .. I had told in initial posts If paracetamol works it does not mean MEDICAL explanation of JWARA is correct through BIOCHEM .. .. becaue even medicines works on 60% people .. and why it does not work on rest 40% is not explained nor can be explained
  • The major difference is MEDCINES allopathy is non specific and immunity suppressor .. whereas AYURVEDIC is specific an immunity booster ... does not make vaat piita kapha explanation more robust than blood temp etc ..
  • RK jury but science is deemingly challenging ABSOLUTE TRUTH ESTABLIHED by shastras .. and want to reinvent wheel by DOING SOME ILLOGICAL OBSERVATION and seeking solution ...
  • IN a debate making a JURY completely admit is the FINAL THING isnt it ? memebers can come in
  • September 14, 2012 at 1:26pm
  • NO my comment was not in the context you took GK .. i wanted to show .. even though g changes at every altitude ... NEWTON makes some very simplistic assumptions which are used ij GEO stationary sateliite launch THAT simplistic approach which is not scientifcally correct has still managed to be useful and entire communication is standing on it TODAY .. using this TUKKA [ a chance happening , a lucky coincidence occurrence ] people are trying to falsify SHASTRA that earth i STATIONARY ... the point t be asked is why is FAULTY theory stil working SHOULDNT THERE BE ALTERNATE explanation
  • RK jury .. now For the PEople like
  • September 14, 2012 at 1:41pm
  • GK i had asked for confirmation from prativadi .. that if i show that sceintific theory as propounded if that is not implemented and yet if the result is positive , CAN that be taken as failure of science and a case for BETTER EXPLANATION ... PLEASE give ur views before we go to level 2 ...
  • OKAY ..
  • No as a lover and natural bias towards science you should express opinion ... GK
  • YOUR neutral stance can be interpreted as acceptance
  • GK in spacescience all the experiments are working fine .. only thing is they are not conducted according to the theory propounded ... IF this is shown ... WHAT WILL YOU ATTRIBUTE THE VERIFIED RESULT TO ?
  • in other words the parameters used in eperiment if the theory says the experiment should fail .. but if experiment succeeds [ ou do not have any clue why ] but stealthily ou attribute success to THEORY what should be inferred ?
  • if you are not agreeing , but if it is shown .. YOU SHOULD AGREE TO TUKKA ... and say that intended experiment is indeed FAILURE ... YES OR NO
  • September 14, 2012 at 2:09pm
  • T is tested with Parameters a b c and theoritically it is said P is result ... if a b c are practically not implementable .. and instead a` b` c` is used .. and P is result / if T is said to be successful by SCIENCE .. it is called camouflage
  • No i dont want a withdrawal i want some basic elements to be made clear as to what i will be doing in level two .. ptherwise we will be circulating in same circular argument and infinite regress ..
  • obviously T becomes wrong because P is achieved through different process which is inexplicable yet attributed to T isnt that a DHURTA way of establishing things .. let me give another example .. a street magician cuts a nimbu and shows red colored substance as blood .. now its neither blood nor the magic .. so street guy is liar .. but your say he need not be liar ... how far is that corect
  • so if you agree we go to level two
  • we will open new thread
  • ARTH [ laxmiji] chanchal hai woh nirantar ghumta hai

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


  • HOW did MADHWACHARYA speak in PHARASi and RAYARU in ENGLISH ! neither might ahve ever studied ali phe be te or a b c d [ inside brundavana ] ? how is that possible >?
  • I know mostly will be thinking , what is thsi question , THEY knew it means THEY knew it .. why argue on It ?
  • IN the run up for APAROKSHA ... there is stage when one sits n NIDHIDHYASANA a hurdle called SHRAVANI comes up ..
  • what is thsi SHRAVANI ? this is ability to listen to words which are uttered thousands of miles away from us .. it also gives ability to understand all the WORDS uttered [ in whcihever language it amy be ] ... this funny state when achieved .. A person in NIDHIDHYASANA ,...gets disturbed throughly by various talks and happenings ... BUT then ONE can use it for GOOD or over come it for FURTHER sadhana
  • MADHWACHARYA and RAYARu had SHRAVANI siddhi is the right conclusion
  • NARYAN PANDITACHARYA is urging APAROXIS to use SHARVANi siddhi .. stambhan siddhi .. when required .. SUMADHWAVIJAYA is not agrantah only for NOVICES like me .. its also FOR APAROXIS
  • ordinary yogis exhibit it RAYARU is NISHKAAM ekanta bhakta
  • sarva vidya praveenya is state one gets even before APAROKSHA ./. its first stage to PAROSKHA
  • rather state before going to NIDHIDHYASANA

Paapa Prashamanam

  • GAYATRI has been luded as prayashchitta for many a sins ..
  • there is there is a pramana thatbecause it imparts rakshana [ safety ] from doshas and sins thus it is called as GAYATRI ... one who sings it [ gayatri ] he will be saved from daana sweekara dosha , dushta anna bhojana dosha , bramha hatya patak , pashu hinsa , upapataka shuddhi GNANIs recommend GAYATRI
  • In agni purana MAHAPATAK prayashchitta homa is being narrated .. it says 1 LAKH japa for Bramha hatya surapaana suvarnasteya ... all these get parihaar by such japa of gayatri
  • here we are talking about BRAMHA gayatri only not SANDHYA
  • PITRU matru hatya to more han lakh japa .. 100 = papa parihaar 1000 upapatak parihaara
  • SIMILARLY homa of gayatri ... TIL homa sarva papa prayashchitta .... ashwath samit = graha peedha parihaar .. etc etc
  • homa with honey and salt brings back WIFE who ahs gone to MAYKE in anger
  • homa with mango leaves gives good health
  • homa with LAZA give beautoful girl as wife
  • BUT when we say All this DOES HOMA JAPA which are JADA actually GIVE PHALA ?
  • so mantra japa homa do not give PHALA but its teh MANTRA PRATIPADYA BHAGAVAN ANUGRAHA taht gives teh PHALA ..
  • IN bRAMHa sutra lord's RUPA NARSIMHA is only DURITAPARIHARAk .. so one must do anusandhan of NARSIMHA in GAYATRI for PAPA PRAYASHCHITTA ...
  • So how to do NARSIMHA ANUSANDHAN in GAYATRI ? SURYANARAYAN atyant abhinna NARSIMHA GUNa AMHIMA anusandhan from GAYATRI we shall see !
  • GAYATRI has ten shabda ... TAT : in narayan varma " vidikshu diskhurdhwam .." shloka tells about ten directions and multidimensional UP down everywhere omnipotent LORD staying thus removes the FEARS of his DEVOTEES by his GARJAN [ loud roar ] and is established ina ll SAFETY providing KARMAS everywhere such durita nivarak NARSIMHA !
  • savituh: By BEING inside teh papapariharak karmas like daana japa homa , HE manifests [ srushti] the papa pariharak phala .. he himself manifested through a pillar ... [ so such feat should not be difficult for him
  • varenyam : he is sung [ bhajaniya ] by the devotees for their duritanivaran .. he appeared in adhbut rupa and UPHELD that EH is sarvottama and established hsi supremacy taht he alone is ocean of gnana sukha shakti etc auspicious qualities
  • BHArga: NARSIMHA burns all the heaps of sins done by a devotee and relives him ,, and then kills all the dushta shaktis [ sin abhimani devaas and rakshas who trouble devotees ] .. and while he does rakshan and poshana of the devotees and gets some work done by them to create a nimitta for such dahan .. and in the course he removes AGNYANA
  • devasya : NARsimha is praised by greats like PRAHALAAD [ dev stutau ] and then while doing duritaparhaar he also removes dukha klesha that arises during the rpesence fo durita and brings a SMILE on teh faces of the devotees hence he is devasya [ deva means one who brings moda ]
  • dhimahi : NARSIMAH deva is present in RUDRA devaru , manoniyamak rudra through him he inspires the antahkarana to do DHYANa of NARSIMHA and he also makes himself seen in such dhyaana .. DEVENDRA too to get rid of BRAMHA AHTYA did NARSIMHA DHYAANA ...
  • dhiyo yo nah prachodayaat : Those devotees who ahve done pataka etc , he inspies them to do paschattapa and then compels them to do SADHAN prayaschitta that " sadbuddhi " is given by NARSIMA only just as he Inspired PRAHALAAD not to do SAKAAM bhakti and remain NISHKAAM ..
  • JUST as how we do upasana we get such PHALA by that pramaana .. BY this anusandhan in gayatri japa we get papa parihaara and its phal quickly by japa homa daana thru NARSIMHA rupa dhyana anusandhan ..
  • krishnarpana ..
  • HOW shud WOMEN do .. we shall see in enxt post NARSIMHA anusandhan for WOMEN
  • was thsi post USEFUL ?
  • the most important aspect of thsi post is WITHOUT ANusandhana NO phala can COME ! so ANUSANDHAN is IMPORTANT
  • FOR nonD and women ! recitye these ten names 108 times
  • narsimhavapu : one who has body of NAR and simha . one who has body whch can destroy teh sins of NARA
  • PAPanashana: THe rupa which does DURITA nivarana and papa parihaar
  • Bhayakrut BHaya nashana: ONe who gives FEAR in the minds of ENEMIES of his devotees and removes the fears of devotees
  • jitmanyu: jitkrodha: EVEN though NARSIMHA was looking VERy angry on HIRANYAKASHYAPA , thsi was not RAJAs or rajoguna vikaara , but it was another form of KSHAMA guna only THSI was completely under his control ..
  • SURARIHA : onewho killed teh enemy of devatas HIRANKASHYAP
  • vikarta vidraNa: - one who tore the chest of HIRANYAKASHYAp
  • Sragvi - one who adorned the intestines of hirankashyapa as garland
  • UattranO dushkritiha - one who avoids mishaps to DEVOTEES and up;lifts them even though they do evil acts he removes the sis cleanses them and saves them from troubles
  • PAryavasthitha: - NARSIMHA deva is everywhere in all directions , up below side in all surroundings .. and By his LOUD ROAR removes our fears
  • Antaka: - one who destroys everyone during PRALAYA
  • Vikramah Vikrami - DURING PRALAYA NARSIMHA tears apart linga deha of all jeevas and DANCEs , his steps are very intense and special
  • RUDRa manohara: - one who looks very ferocious . One who does sanhaar of all by being in RUDRA . BEING BHAYANKAR and called as RUDRA and is sanhaar karak for SHIVA also and residing in him , he is the Ma kaar in the syllable OM ..
  • krishnarpana
  • this is for papaprashaman .. raam hrudya .. is apt
  • three recitals
  • more shud not eb done

Doshas THAt lead to CHildlessness

  • what are the doshas THAt lead to CHildlessness !
  • One who has killed children in previosu life , such a person will get repeated still born baby in thsi birth
  • One who does malavisrajan or veeryotsrajan facing GURU CHANDRA AGNI and SURYA , he will be born as NAPUNSAK [ impotent ]
  • the women who destroys flowers and fruits , one who kills chiildren , one who prematurely cuts teh trees which are about to give flower or fruits , onewho separates children from their parents , one who causes abortion to other women , OR one who makes friendship with such women all such women because of their sins get FIVE types of DOSHAS
  • 1> APUSHPA - one who does not get RAJODARSHAN at all
  • 2> MRUTAVATSA - child dieing as soon as it is born
  • 3> kaak vandhya - having only one child , second child does not happen
  • 4> kanya praja - always getting girl child only
  • 5>sraavyukta - always getting abortion and not able to concieve
  • one who does not ahve rajodarshan .. she must read HARIVANSHA purana TEN times
  • a MRUTVATSA gets relieved by dosha by listening to HARIVANSHA SEVEN times .. and giving required daana
  • always not able to caary and getting abroted , one should listen to HARIVANSHA purana 5 times she will ahve stable pregnancy and will get a good child
  • one who si kaavandhya must listen to HARIVANSHA purana three times .. so she will get one more child
  • one who gets only girl child must listen to harivansha purana once to get rid of DOSHA
  • if one is not able to concieve at all and has many doshas . then she must regularly listen to HARIVANSHA puraan all along the life .. such people will definitely take birth without DOSHA in next time .. [ IF not in thsi birth , more sincerely one listens to HARIVANSHA puraana more quickly one gets child birth ]
  • ONE wil also get child if one does GOVRATA for one month
  • one must listen to HARIVANSHA from a vairakta VISHNU BHAKTA only
  • hope this was useful
  • govrata means , taking a cow and calf , serving it from dawn to dusk [ not to take any and water till veening ] ... and then by evening doing teh pooja of cow and calf , giving it food and then after aarti having food ourself ..
  • there are specialised HARIVANSHA puraniks
  • the shravan vidhi of harvansha is very specific ... and daana after sharvana is also very elaborate ... yet one can do as per capacity ..
  • typically a harivansha PURAN sharvan if doen in optimum way shoudl cost around 20 30 laksh
  • instead of spendng 10 20lakhs on FERTILITY teratment ONE shoudl TRY HARIVANSHA .. it will give satputra
  • after completing teh vidhi in optimum way .. LORD VYASa promises taht one will definitely get a son in follwoing rutukaal 1 5 7 9 definitely
  • you want elaborate one or tutu mantram
  • HARIVANSHA can be read by even women
  • it gives phala of reading 18 puranas ..
  • ONE thing before i start elaborate , THSI shravan can be done ONLY by those who ahve POORVAJANMA SUKRUTA , getting upadesha dn mind to do it itself is BHAGYA so says VYASAru
  • putraparpti , daridrya naash are major phala seen immediately .. one must do DAAN of harivansha
  • one must first choose a GREAT vachak .. wone who is adept in HARIVANSHA vachan .. ONE shud do vedvyasa avahan in him ..
  • he shud give raksha to yajamana
  • Yesterday at 2:46pm
  • one must appoint a bramhan to do pooja for the BOOK itself which shud be placed in a golden box [ dimesion will be given later ]
  • ONE must appoint five bramhanas who are adept in mantra japa .. to avoid any mishaps , breaks and vighna to the katha sharvana
  • five bramhana s must continuosly do japa of DWDAHSAKSHAR , RUDR mantra , SANTAAN gopal mantra , MAHAGANAPATI mantras .. sudarshan mantra
  • one bramhan for bhumi pooja
  • a group of BRAMHANAS , VAISHNAVAS and keertankaaras must also be invited to do bhajan keertan
  • one must elave all activities and complete teh katha sharvan in 9 days
  • VEDVYASAru says .. MANTRA teertha BRAMAHNA DEVATA JYOTISHYA AUSHADH and GURU , whatever BHAVAN you keep that type of PHALA will come ,, HOW faith you will EXHIBIT that much RESULT will come
  • one who keeps comeplete FAITH gets complete RESULT , one who keeps half faith gets half result
  • one who keeps no faith gves NO ersult
  • one must atleast make three hours of pravachan .. and then spend rest of the day in keertan of those concepts with discussion and songs ..
  • there are certain niyamas to be kept while doing thsi shravana ..
  • tat we can discuss at actuals
  • everyday tehre shoudl be bramhan santarpana
  • teh daanas to teh purohits
  • onemust everyday give kambal , vastra mrugacharma and bed and mani and chair
  • if the vachak is shuddha with janma vidya and sankaara then he must eb given , one must do stakaar and give , kundal , abharana , mala , pada raksha , chatri , machhardaani one dolika .. ONE must donate hima village which is full of sammruddhi
  • animaya asan , horse elephant and resham vastra , five tamra tumbler and oe BIG POT
  • then yajamana shoudl give two shawls along with some jewellery and make VEDVYASA anusandhan while doing anmaskraa
  • one must dnate 1 or half or 1/4th pala gold along with COW and a calf daan to teh vachak
  • donating vastra to a bRAMHAN in katha will make one FREE from all DEBTS
  • other bramhanas should be given gandha malaya suarna dhanya ratna , one must giev hansatulika , pilows , vehicles , vessels useful for COOKING , for holding large quantities of water
  • one must appoint servants for all teh nine days to serve the bramhas engaged in japa vachan etc .. these must take them to their hosue and bring them everyday in vehicles with geeeta vadya .. and serve them in their hosues too for all nine days
  • one must give 18000 rs as dakshina to each
  • one msut do parayan of SANTAAN gopal STOTRA
  • krishnarpana mastu ..
  • sunke sogayelagta sab ..
  • yaga means itruns into crores of rupees ..
  • one can do PURANa sharvaan yatha shakti .. yagnya is not for humans in kaliyuga
  • instead of 18000 give 1800 or 600 , and accordingly decrease everything still GOD will give phala
  • donate atleast a constructed house 1 bhk furnished ..
  • there is one house in my vicinity .. fully furnished owner does not want to sell , its rent is 1 lakh rs per month
  • it ahs golf course inside teh house
  • ghar banate hi owener ka transfer over seas hogaya
  • YATHA shakti is teh word , DO daan aas per capacity to the MAX that you can .. that is what LORD says
  • but this is oNE purana which fulfills all wishes INSTANTLY .. so even without dana , minimal 600 rs to a bramhana read or listen once to this PURANA ..
  • if anyone gets CD of harvansha puran keep listening to it ..
  • FINALLY HARIVANSHA purana udyapan means homa of every SHLOKA with amny dravyas .. thsi si daunting task
  • BE careful about TALKING on HARIVANSHA , any mis word used ,, doubt expressed or croos questioning while talk on HARIVANSHA goes gives many many years of NARAKA ..
  • HARIVANSHA is GAYATRI swaroopa so says VEDVYASARu
  • harivansha is MAHABHARAT kheel bhaga
  • while mahbahrat was being told simultaneously it was being told by Ugrasharva in naimishyaranya as HARIVANSHA PARVA VISHU PARVa and BHAVISHYA PARVA
  • get one from GEETA press
  • with so many new info given some good questions shud flow . I shall answer only question from tommorrow .. no new infos .. yes we shall see patanjali yoga ..

Monday, March 11, 2013

Surrounded by troubles , mischief , peedha ?

  • WHAT should one do when ONE is surrounded by troubles , mischief , peedha , manasik udvega every moment every day from all sides ?
  • once upon time there lived a kING named ALARK !
  • his elder brother was not interested in RULE so was residing in jungle his name was subahu
  • KING father of alark , RUTUDHWAJ , agve kingdom to alark and THINKING he shud not get into vices owing to PRIDE , gave him upadesha on VARNASHRAM dharma
  • HIS mother gave him a ring in which a SHASAN patra was embedded and asked him to remove the CHARTER only when in dire danger or diffciulty
  • ALARK became a popular ruler and just and his kingdom flourished day by day and he was totally immersed into admin8istration ,as years passed by it felt as if onlya day has passed in GOOD way
  • ALARK felt to rule is LIFE , he never GOT vairagya , earning wealth is NOW enough this THOUGHT never came to the mind of ALARK
  • Subahuhis brother stated thinking why HIS brother is not getting VAIRAGYA , he decided to bring good senses to his younger brother .. BUT how , SERMON would not help ... so he thought BRINGING troubles to ALARK may put good senses into him ...
  • SO subahu went to nearby KASHIRAAJ and inspired him to wage war on ALARK s that he can get his SHARE of KINGDOM ..
  • KAASHIRAJ convinced gathered a big army , he frst took into confidence the KINGDOMS behind the ALARK's kingdom , he also took under his sway , the FORT incharge of ALARK and befreined many inner COURTIERS to betray ALARK .. then he also took in his sway , all the smamntas by saam bhedha danada daana .... and slwoly forest incharge and CITY incharge also defected ..
  • having taken all the confidantes , THE army of KASHIRAAJA surrounded ALARK and started craeting troubloes in the KINGDOM day by day ...
  • fed up with everyday troubles , mischiefs , revolts .. ALARK one day sat down and thoughtof reading HIS mothers' charter ... he took bath in pious way .. and GIT svastivachan by bramhanas and then SAT in a pure place to open the charter inside the RING ... as he read through the DICTUM of hsi mother his eyes SHONE with twinkle and hope , he seemed to ahve found solution to his VEXED life ... he read againa nd agaian the DICTUM
  • what was written in it ?
  • Yesterday at 3:42pm
  • ONE must completely get rid of desires [ kaamna ] but for any reason one cannot or is not able to get rid of desires then one must DESIRE for MOXA , because sucha dsire will kill all other desires automatcially , such is teh medicine called desire of MOXA !"
  • HOW is a person gets his shreyas [ beeterment ] ? EXCEPT for safeguarding the desire for MOXA there is no other way for upliftment .. SUCH desire for MOXA is safeguarded by SADHUSANGA " having concluded thus ALARK surrendered himself to DATTATREYA muni [ THE highest SADHU knwon to him ]
  • After DATTAREYA muni wlcomed him ! KING asked , hey LOrd ! I am bitten by extreme desires , i am tied ddown by wants , i am immersed in enjoyments and I am bogged down by miseries peedha dukha .. KINDLY grant me RELEIF from thsi MISERIES ! DUKHA PARIHARAM KURU me !
  • LORD DAttatreya said " oh KINg ! I shall give you relief from DUKHA .. DO let me knwo teh real reason FOR yoru MISERY ? WHO do you BELONG To ? WHo is HAVING DUKHA ? introspct ! who is teh ONE who shows ownership of your LIMBSS [ avayavas ] .. whose is AVAYAVI deha ? what is without BODY ? DO think about all this adhyatma ?
  • EVN THOUGH NOT CONNECTED atma OWING to mamata feels the sukha dukha resulting in increase decrease etc of tatvas .. IF ATMA leaves this mamata then it will be unafflicted by such miseries
  • SUKSHMA changes takes place due to tanmatras .. taht results into sat asat .. [ good bad .. like dislike ] but if SAKSHI takes the third form apart from sat asat , then it will not have any association with sukha dukha
  • sukha dukha both takes its form in MANAS .. i ahve no connection with MANAS . so there is NO SUKHA neither DUKHA to me as I am NOT MANAS .. IA ma different than MANAS !
  • I am neither indiryas nor AHANKARA nor BUDDHI .. so anatahkaran janita VASTU that leads to dukha should not bother ME !
  • WHEN mind is ngrossed in PARAMARTHA and has pragnya sampark , how does it desire the KINGSHIP ... the desires arsing out of satva rajas , let it run kingdom or LEAVE it why am I who is different from BODY e bothered about it ? let teh elder BROTHER run KINGDOM .. it may be create misery in panchabhuta deha , SO be it , WHY I [ different from deha ] is WORRIED ABOUT such development in the BODY ? MY brothers body is also panchabhutamaya MINE is also ! so both are NOT mine , so what of he does it or ME does IT ? how shud that AFFECT ME ?
  • 23 hours ago
  • the PURUSHRUPI ATMA , does not ahve flesh , limbs bones etc , sucha ATMA what it ahs go to do with ratha gaja vahan , kosha gruha rajya etc .. [ advaitis do not call atma as purush rupi , it says atma which ahs no limbs flesh bones head etc rupa such formless atma what it ahs got to do with forms like ratha gaja etc ]
  • SO me taht ATMA has no enemies as i ahve no sanga .. so no DUKHA , no sukha too .. no kingdom , no treasury , no horses elephants etc all these are also not of SUBAHU nor anybodys NEITHER mine .. so why feel jelaous taht it will go to somebody or i will miss them etc .. JUST as they do not eblong to me they do not blong to KASHIRAJA or subahu as wel .. becausde EVEN this ATAMA TATTVA is equally applicable to them also .. BUT one SINGLE FACTOR seems to be owning in all of US other than us , thsi all belongs to him [ advaitis interprtes thsi HIM as one ATMA only ]
  • HE is adwitieya [ MADHWACHARYA says this is NARAYANA ]
  • JUST as one AKAASHTATAVA present in pot , vessel , kamandalu etc etc is called by different nams by being in them .. and also is manifest taht way inside these pot vessel etc .. THAT one entitity being in various dehas called SUBAHU KASHIRAJA ALARK seems different
  • THEN ALARK asked YOGA ! we shall see after few minutes break ..
  • every word here after sdaid by LORD dattareya requires one complete post to justify and explain .. how to take forward ?
  • shall we deal this tommorrow ?
  • one raises a HEN in his house .. a cat eats it , one feels very disturbed by it , but same cat eats mouse one does not feel any dukha why ? because of mamatva in the hen ....
  • that is what LORD says , sanga gives mamatva
  • one who does SANGA with objects of PANCHABHUTA he gets dosha of MAMATVA and hence dukha .. so one must do TYAGA of SANGA ..
  • HOW to get sanga parityaaga .. that is BY YOGA ... so what is YOGA SIDDHI how to get it ? forms subject of next POST
  • ONE gets MUKTI by YOGA ... YOGA comes by SAMYAK GYAANA SAMYAK gyaan comes by VAIRAGYA janita DUKHA ... DUKHA is cauysed by stree putra dhana asakti through MANAS ... SO one who desires MOXA shud know that ASAKTI of MANAS towards objects [ sanga mamatva dosha ] is ROOT cause of DUKHA ..
  • thats why group leader shud make efforts to craete SADHU SANGA only ... and not taht of ATTACHMENT MOHA INFATUATIOSN etc
  • If one leaves ASASKTI in BAHYA vastu ,, then the feeling that ' THSI IS MINE " " I SHOULD ENJOY THIS /HER / Him " will not come
  • so says LORD DATTAREYA
  • By such contemplation [ taht asakti leads to dukha ] once MAMATVA sphurti starts decreasing
  • SATVIK MAMAKARA will give SATVIK dukha
  • anything that gives DUKHA is MOHA only
  • dukha leading to practise of knwoledge is SATVIK dukha only
  • when NIRAMMATVA bhaav comes one will get sukha let ther be no doubt ...
  • VAIRAGAY is one whcih shows DOSHA in BHAOUTIK VISHAYAS .. [ ie thsio samsaara is asaara anitya etc ]
  • NIRMAMATVA means this is NOT MINE , I am not this body
  • GYANA gives VAIRAGYA ... VAIRAGYA alone arises GNANA ..
  • THIS way man who has VIRAKTI wherever he STANDS THAT is his HOME , WHATEVER he lives by taht is his BHOJAN , BY what he attains MUKTI that itself is GNANA
  • SO the GNANA of a person should be VAIRAGYA POORVAKAM
  • REST all is AGYANA
  • FOR thsi GNANA to come , previous many births SANCHITA karma becomes a speedbreaker
  • THAT which ahs become PRARABDHA out of this , such GANA arises by simply going through PAAPA karma and punya KARMA and eating its FRUITS but one must not show any inclination towards the EVENTS at the time of PHALAPRAPTI of this karma
  • YET one must D hsi duty as per SHASTRA with KARTAVYA BHAVANA
  • BY doing thus NEW karma lepa will not happen and poorvarji karma kashaya results nto GNANA and GANNA LABH VIGHNA PARIHAARA happens ..
  • OTHERWISE KARMA itself is reason for BANDHAN in samsaara ,, andsuch karma [ opposite to what is mentioned above ] leads to getting bodies againa nd again ..
  • OR one must resort to KARMAYOGA to get MUKTI
  • UNTILL now we have discussed about GNANA now we shall dwell about YOGA SIDDHI
  • one doing YOGABHAYASA will have consciousnss of hsi SELF and it being different from body and LORD
  • A YOGI thgrough practise first separates the BUDDHI from MANAS and wins over the MIND ..
  • IT si very difficult to win or the MANAS .. for that on has to be ever induclged in NIGRAHA .. NOW i shall tell the means and UPAYA for that
  • the four important angas are PRANAYAMA DHARANA PRATYAHAAR DHYANA .. PRANAYAMA removes RAAGADI DOSHA .. DHARAN removes PAPAVRUTTI , pratyaahar removs the [occurences of ] sense objects [vishyanaash ] and DHYANA removes tendency of aneeshwaratva
  • JUST like the minerals brought from MOUNTAINS after burning in FIRE looses its impurities so also By PRANAYAMA impurities in INDRIYAS get destroyed
  • ONE who wantsto know YOGAVIDHI and practise YOGA he must definitely do PRANAYAM sadhana in the beginning . regukating PRAANA apAANA vayu inside the body is KNWON as PRANNAYAMA [ not jkuust a breathing exercise ]
  • MAKING the chitta [ deshabandha ] still is called as DHARANA
  • separating[ disassociating ] INDRIYAS from its objects and making it vileen in manas is PRATYAHAAR
  • PRANAYAMA is of three types // laghu madhyam uttama .. 12 matrakaala praana nirodha is LAGHU .. 24 matra is madhyama 36 is UTTAMA [ MADHWACHARYA calls 64 as UTTAMA ]
  • the time taken to close and open eyes is called nimisha ... and time taken to pronounce one hrsvakshara in sanskrit is called MATRA
  • BY doing such laghu madhyama uttama PRANAYAMA doshas can be rectfied ,, [ won ] .. laghu wins over PERSPIRATION .. madhyam wins over [ removes dosha of kampan ] trembling .. UTTAMA removes teh dosha of VISHAADA [ grief ]
  • JUST as daily if one keeps taming LION BEARS elephants they leave wildness and become pets .. SO also PRANAYAM if adhered to brings PRAANA under our control
  • JUST as wild arrogant elephant is also brought under control and made to work , so also YOGI brings PRAANA under controla nd regulats it with PRANAYAMA practise
  • just like tamed LION kills only those animals given to it as food but not MEN so also PRANAYAM controlled VAYU destroys only SINS but does not do any harm to BODY
  • 36 , 64 for nidhidhaysana
  • ALARK NIRANJAN ! such PRANAYAM controlled PRAANA vAYU leads to four STATES dwasti , praapti , samvit , and PRASAAD
  • we shall stop here .. yeh sab ksisi ne aajtak bataaya kya /// kaunsa YOGA callss mein yeh sab batayega
  • no nidhidhyasana is state where mnd can stay focussed unmindful of extrnsl disturbance
  • siddhsi are different these are states of MIND
  • the first state leads to comeplete destruction of KARMA phala attachemnt whether PAPA or PUNYA ie taht is dwasti
  • ab bas jyada secert nahi
  • after prolonged uttama
  • ALARK NIRANNJAN ! shubha ratri
  • next i shall temporarily stop this thread and divert to PATANJALI YOGA DARSHAN vyakhya ... in detail ..
  • Acharya, i am left speech less. Yesterday whole day from morning, i was going through mental turmoil regarding my Father's health and the unfolding family issues...impact on job, my responsibilities as a Son, Husband, Parent etc...when I saw your post on "what should one do when one is surrounded by troubles, mischief, peedha, manasik udvega..." it came to me as a beacon..i am rereading every line of yours...ananta vandenegaLu
  • ab bolo blog kaun chalata hai ? RAYARU !
  • no that is not dharana
  • Badri Nath PRANAYAMA YOGA is not a mechanical activity [ by doing mechanically one will never get results ] for example RAMDEV tecahes YOGA , has he attained any dharana etc siddhi ? why NOT ?
  • the first thing YOGA siddhi gives is extreme strength ..
  • YOGA sidhi gives KARYA siddhi , he failed in UPVASA abhiyaan .. why ? he could not achieve his GOAL .. why ?
  • OKAY is he healthy ? look at his left side of the face it is paralysed .. he has no control on eyelid movement 1 why ?
  • SO finally he is using YOGA as a commodity and not any SPIRITUALITY because he has NO concept of GOD
  • SO observing breath and doing repeated exercise etc mechanical means ARE NOT YOGA /... it causesDEHA shrama only./... YOGA is what is given by our ACHARYAS . MADHWACHARYA has given elaboraately [ ufortunly ithas not been tapped by our SWAMIJis ] [ successors of ACAHRYA have given amny simpler steps for SIDDHI in yoga ! [ again present leaders have ignored it ] , RAYAR parampara has given many secrets in this system [ THESE books were never published ] ... VIJAY DASAR paramapara has exquisite details [ thsi tradition is ow lost ] ... SO we have MADHWAS trying toemulae advaitiktraditions or dashavidya trrrions to look into YOGA abhyasa .. which s faulty and dwara for naraka ! SO NO MEto ofYOGA always INCLUDE Sadhan means CLUB TATVA with YOGA .. GNANA oriented YOGAABHYAASA .. [ this is very difcult and vairagya being prerequisite MOSTLY MADHWA grahastha have lost TRADIION because VAIRAGYA has become alien concept t us ]
  • PRANAYAM asana if one does with anusandhan THEN ONE WILL BECOME SUPERMAN in two months
  • BUT YOGA and MIMANSA both censure such SUPER HERO gimmicks
  • that may give UDASEENTA .. but such censureship is TO prohibit staleness and MOVE FURTHER but modern scholars have taken it as PROHIBITORY and totally shunned the idea of YOGABHYASA [ MADHWA ishtyle ]
  • BUT if we study TANTRA SARA in suxma ... ACHARYA has said , swadhyaya gives more PHALA than DHYANA etc ... [ THSI every scholar who is LAZY has taken as pathar ki lakeer and foregone YOGA ] BUT then entire last chapter ACHARYA has enumerated on ABHYASA
  • AGAIN a misconception this rising of KUNDALINI etc is mechanisation of YOGA ABHYASA ,,one need not abother about KUNDALINI .at all in MADHWA way ... has MADHWACHARYA mentioned KUNDLAINI anywhere ? is it mentioned by ANy other YATI? why not ?
  • ONE needs [ we must thank
  • that is teh reason why the four STATES of PRANAYAM i have used [ rather spilled the secret ] ie dwasti , prasaad etc
  • this is prior to dharana ..
  • and PRATYAHAAR is given by me as a PROCESS and NOT as a STAGE .. these are important co0ncepts in OUR shastra ...
  • OUR shastras is SECRET ./. KUNDALINI theory etc is TAMAS way of luring people into PHALAPEKSHA and continuous indriya poshana
  • they are like giving a VIAGRA to make people indulge more rather than help in curng a problem .. WHEREAS our SHASTRA prohibits even ONION as a APHRODISIAC because we believe in removing the roots .. while the oher means are actually strengthening the ROOT cause of samsaara
  • he is still in the labs ..
  • trying to think about progres with RISE in KUNDALINI is TAMAS ... even without such activating process , by MADHWA way the serpent power RISES ... that is reality
  • I think we have covered many topics today !
  • If good questions are asked , GOOD discussion happen ... !
  • I met a person who had kept only sri sri photois all around .. after half an hour of talks he said i am not a seriosu follower i dont mind removing these ..
  • next after few days he called and said , when is ekadashi I want to do fast
  • so a good discussion should promote IMPLEMENTATION ..
  • a good discussion should ring in the mind for weeks ..

Get rid of wrong people from your life

  • Queriest : I do not want to interrupt the flow of other lessons that you are imparting. However, I and I hope a few of others, need a practical lesson on how to get rid of wrong people from our lives. People who lie and deceive twist the truth and just never give up bothering you.
  • the root of this problem lies in the fact that WE unknwingly out of ignorance are 100% sure and convinced that the BEHAVIOUR of other MAN / person is independent of OUR state of mind and KARMA
  • once we SAY to our mind , THSI person is behaving THUS because I Am allowing him to do SO ! then you will stop bothering about what OTHER person has SAID or done and instead start concentrating ON where AM I failing ?
  • teh answer is in ARANI PRAAPTI episode of MAHABHARAT ... having afced failure PANDAVAS dont react on their failure or inability or circumstances .. THEY introspect on what could have POSSIBLY gone wromng in their actiosn [ daily SADHANA over a period of life ]
  • infact the day when indriya nigraha fails , YOU will find all your enemy designs get ACTIVATED .. so IS it any wise o BLAME enemy for having ACTIVATED attack or BLAMING self forhaving LOST INDRIYA nigraha ...
  • IF one maintains NIGRAH , most of hsi problems LEAVE him from FAR OFF , not even knocking to tell I had come and have not troubled YOU ... but then ordinary person may feel he has had NO problems off late .. BUT in bad times [ when nigrah fails ] smaller to smaller problems aggravate and gatecrashes .. you become conscious .. some pierce us and cause wound .. here we get agitated
  • OBSERVE two people talking .. one with holes in PERSONALITY gets attacked ... other one reejoies in attacking his chidras ..
  • when no chidras exist ... the other person is conscious and remains mute ... he feels he is unable to talk .. he thinks but cannot talk ...
  • when there are no chidras and UPON that MAN has AURA radiance , then other person does not talk BUT also does not even THINK ... he says I felt something strange meeting this person , he had magical effct on me , I could only think about him nothing else ...
  • RISHI munis had SO much aura that their ASHRAMA exhibited property , even wild animals like LION wolves COULD not exhibit HINSA and lived a life of NON VIOLENCE ....
  • so here we have two exremes .. one RISHI MUNI AND Other aspersonwith DEFECTS inside his own system .. itne ched shareer me ,ki pata hi nahi chale ke saas kidhar se arahi hai jaarahai
  • So jahaan dekho baarish mein chata leke ghumte hain . apunkare to bola character DHEELA hai " there is no point in lamenting ... COVER your CHED
  • SO first step is forget about OTHERS , be selfish concentrate on SELF
  • IF you concenrate on self .. you will develop , if you will develop , the world around you behaves differently AUTOMATICALLY ...
  • for self development extreme STRONG willed mind is necessary ... FOR strong willed MIND , exteeme desire to excel is necessary .. for such extreme desires to cme , extreme goals are neceessary ... for such extreme goals to be set good KNWOLEDGE is necessary .. for such clairvoyant knwoledge a good GODFATHER is necessary ... to get a GOOD GODFATHER , vinaya is necessary ... VINAY comes by bending the ego to serve ...
  • RAYARU is best GODFATHER ... developvinay to serve HIM , leave ego ad do seva physical seva , pradakshjina namaskaara stotra paryana , day night ..
  • The more vinay you exhibit MORE RAYAR anugrah will com
  • if you do not bend your ego , RAYARU will aso not bend his kamandalu of DAYA
  • FOR vinay to take full BLOOM . accept HURTS , ego bruises , DEFEATS , insults as ONES own karma .. [ GOD giving them to wash of sins ]
  • humil,ity can be enacted ... VINAY cannot be enacted , it is displayed when one can smile at a person who abuses or insults and tramples your EGO
  • VINAY easily comes by servinga agaed person , helping them in their daily chores [ without grumbling about their repoeated speech or forgetfulness or age related problems ]
  • the very WORD HELP smells of EGO
  • SYMpathy empathy patience , politeness , being nice , modesty are all external attributes .. VINAY IS internal atribute .. vinay is something that comes as spontaneous activity at the sight of an aged PERSON [ knowledged person ] , and making the other person part with ADVICE [ even if one know the essence of such advice , one listens to ucadvice wih utmost COnceeration ]
  • duty boundedness and compulsion to discharge duty under all circumstances [ inimicla or beneficial ] is precursor to VINAY
  • SUCH duty boundedness comes by OATH to live life according to NEETI
  • when one takes OATH that i shall abide by DHAma and NEETI only ... so every action one il start to PONDER [ like if one si not related HOW shud i behave ], what neeti says here ...TAKE advice if you dont know
  • a person wh has NOT taken such a Oath will form his own reasons to act in varius circumstances .... MOSTLY such acts will be selfish and self centred only
  • THIS types of actions FORM the roots of al PROBLEMS in this world as more and more people act in self sentred way .. regulation of grop of people family organisations becomes a dauntng TASK .. one needs a leader / supervisor for all this [ hence importance for DANDA neeti ]
  • now when you are surrounded by group of people who are self centred ... then the BEHAVIORIAL science takes precedence .. and one must RESORT to it only then one will not FAL prey to mindset " MRS dSOUJA mere saath hi aisa KYUN hota HAI ?"
  • conventional neeti shastra PRESUMES you are surrounded by SELFCENTRED people .. and gives optimum behavior concepts .. FOR the snasrga of SADHU it narrates different code of conduct
  • WHILE neeti gives you duty boundedness , DEVELOPMENT of VINAY will get youa GODFATHER .. his blessings will make youa STRONG person .. who is a STRONG person ?
  • not the won who WINS everytimes .. but one WHOse LOSS is also AKIN to WIN is a STRONG person . BAAZIGAR
  • so when you knwo this LOSS is actualkly your WIN [ when you are dhrida convinced about it ] YOU will celebrate more than the actual winner ...
  • AND THAT is called as BEING EQUANIMOUS in WIN and LOSS and not by convincing yourself that okay BUDDY " HARD LUCK betr luck next time " take it in your strie .. taht is DUKHA only , it ahs pierced you mind so YOU cannot eb EQUANIMOUS ...
  • SO nothing should pierce MIND ... how ?
  • NULLIFY others ! dont allow their words actions to PIERCE your mind ... [ what is piercing of mind ... creating asthirta in MIND is piercing ... what happens when asthirta comes ,, MIND starts to BROOD over the event
  • achieving a state where MIND does not brood .. is called sthirta
  • how to make mind not BROOD ? do not prioritise that
  • what makes things PRIORITISE ? EGO prioritises THINGS.. ASK it to shut UP
  • BUT how does EGO forces and not shut up , BY GVING grief .. NOW one must get into habbit of NOT being in GRIEF ... SHOKAKOOL avastha must be waived OFF ... here one must seek UPAYA from learned .. and NOT treat ONES own cancer !
  • one must NOT do self medication
  • hence GODFATHER is necessary ... seek SOLUTIONS to grief
  • once MIND is convinced all grief has solution , it will leave habit of being in state of grief .. [ that is called development of FAITH ]
  • the more you ahve this ability , the more FAITH you ahve ON GOD ...
  • at one stage MIND is not bothered about GRIEF at all , hence it does NOT FEAR EGO , EGO is silenced .. and MIND stops BROODING and then MIND is STHIRA ... and sthira mind CANNOT be pierced by WORDS actions of OTHERS ... people around you finding that YOU are not affcted by their word deeds get frustrated with you and STOP bothering YOU
  • RAYARU is living GURU ... so you do not need another guru to assist you ! technically
  • Arundhati Shukla Chiraani hope i have concisely answered your concerns
  • commercial kitab likhe to bestseller ban jayega ni !
  • interesting will be the topic that when a person whoimplements the above written material and becomes successful , he gets into new problem ... that is when people start calling such PEOPLE [ who do not brood ] as INSENSITIVE ... SO how to tackle that ? do we really ebcome insensitive ? is it recommended by shastras ? or shal we have to live NISSARA life .. only ...
  • the word "no hole in teh PERSONALITY " is a borrowed , in my college days , one THINKER used it
  • break

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Madhwa Navarathri - todos

  • 9 days madhwa kavach parayana with upavasa ..
  • i will be doing brihati sahsra parayana
  • oe can stay on soaked moong daal
  • usually yatis of yester years used to do this \
  • yes
  • the procedure to do pooja , is MANYU sukta , ten times baliththa sukta , then hari vayu stuti , then vayu sukta praana sukta ,thenn dwadash naama .. then there is one special shloka ..which ahs to be read with anusandhana ./. and then naivedya aarti.. and japa of hanuman mantras ..
  • ending with manyu sukta ..
  • Suresh Maruthi i ahve just mentioned HANUMAT Sadhana
  • pranaya namo yasya sarvamidam ....
  • arghya paadya to Mukhyaprana shud be with BAHGAVATtatparyaprokta .. VAYU dasha naam
  • after japa of kavach
  • special shloka is hanumat shabda vyakhyaan


  • entire HUMAN race is after HAPPINESS . BUT are there any on this earth who woudl RATE JNANA more than HAPPINESS ? and pursue JNANA rather than HAPPINESS ?
  • WHILe whole world mat engage in PURSUIT of PLEASURE and AVoidance of MISERY .... THERE are people who feel such a STATE exists only in MOXA and hence ASPIRE for MOXA
  • MOXA comes by JNANA and hence they TREAT JNANA more important than LOUKIKA happiness .
  • SOMe find that REACHING GOD alone is HAPPINESS and for such HAPPINESS they TRY to KNOW GOD ..
  • SOME do not even care for HAPPINESS neither in MOXA , they SIMPLY LOVE GOD
  • FORMER gives more IMPORTANCE to MOXA and secondarily the IMPORTANCE of KNOWLEDGE of GOD , while the LATTER knows KNWOLEDGE of GOD if faar far more important then EVEN MOXA
  • February 11 at 2:47pm
  • anyone who is SATVIKA [ one among the above two types ] , has BHAKTI in LORD and try to cultivate UTTAMA SHEELa GUNA .... [ quality of shedding evil and imbibing PURITY , purity of mind body , senses and speech ] is ELIGIBLE for MADHWa siddhanata \


There is one surprise PHALA shruti for AITEREYA UPANISHAT PARAYANa .. ! it imparts a capability to make a SPEECH / write up of the subject , {even though } which is generally not INTERESTING to a SABHA ... also LOOK RUCHIKAR to the people in sabha [ when spoken by person who does PARAYAN of AITEREYA BHASHYA ]

Madhwacharya Guna Chintane - 4

  • WHEN MADHWACHARYA was a few months old child , PARENTS undertook a short journey by walk ina group , as the group was walking througha jungle , the part where it was knowna BRAMHARAKSHAS lived and troubled the commuters ... AS the group croosed with bauited breath nothing happened .... THEN someone in the crowd whispered , the BABY is LUCKY , usually in this passage there is BRAMHA rakshas who eat all the new borns .. child etc .. [ MUCH to the mausement of author , who gives notes that , INFACT it the group entire LUCKY for having journeyed with MUKHYAPRAN that BRAMHARAKSHAS was ineefective , else they would have seen a misfortune .. BUT for LORD vayu who saved them ..
  • why did BRAMHA RAKHSHAS not attack ?
  • IS it pragnya on part of RAKSHASHA or BHAYA fear ... ?
  • does evil have pragnya
  • but that sense is OF FEAR only ....
  • SAY a HUMAN enters a GRAVEYARD .. and then feels " yehaan bhut hai " is that not FEAR for human .. say few charcaters move about , and HUMAN hiding behind a tree DARES NOT call upon these creatures why FEAR ... similarly RAKSHASHAS fear DEVATAS ... there is repelling force ..

Madhwacharya Guna Chintane - 3

  • ONEmore VAYU guna chintana .. ! once when MADHWACHARYA and SHishyas were moving through dense JUNGLES .. they were spotted by some theives and those burglars [ at a far distance ] hatched a PLAN to LOOT ACHARYA and shishyas ! ... when they went closer THEY FOUND ACHARYA and shishyas as STIL AS ROCK , mistaking them to be CARVED sculptures . theives LEFT them .. ! WHICHI SIDDHI is this ? how did ACHARYA knew someone was following them with ILL inTENT ! what siddhi is THIS ?
  • there is UDAAN VAYU in KANTHA [ adams apple ] , thsi vayu is responsible to take jeeva to PARMATMA and give him rest .. at this point , The connection with body for JEEVA cuts off so body becomes a just a MASS like a LOG ... when PRANa merges with UDAAN , one becomes like ROCK ..even the belongings that one holds ...
  • second one is DOORSHRAVAN siddhi ..
  • ALONG with acharya ALl teh shishyas too had this SIDDHI ... [ so discounting them as ORDINARY shishya having doshas like fear , helplessness , bhranti etc is NOT correct ]
  • WHAT do we learn from thsi INCIDENT ?
  • OVER all if you see the LIFE of MADHWACHARYA he was always attacked by EVIL forces in every journey , AND he displayed variety in tackling them SUCHa FEAT is possible only for an INVINCIBLE person , for whom mauling opposition is CHILDS play .. much more HE enjoys ..
  • jaati sankar , sudra sammbhashan , parastree moha , paranna bhakshan

rest in peace

  • DOES HINDU soul REST IN PEACE after death or ENJOYS in SWARGA !
  • So rest is a QUIET a CHRISTIAN phenomena [ as they are sure there will be no rest in grave ] ...
  • NO madhwa ever goes to HELL be assured .. only SWARGA
  • USHA another "100 bring " ! ... all the souls into sadhan wil know the WHEN !
  • telavdu telvadu iska naam TT rehna chahiye tha
  • BEING from that GARUDA PURAN world ,... I see much AUSPICIOUSNESS in houses ..where RAAMDOOOTAS arrive .. strange will be the fact when inmates cry
  • I remember my father giving me regular hints about his death ... days before his death he looked at door and conversed with two people before me ..
  • the mirror in the house broke dow [ there was no wind , no disturbance .. no reason ] ///
  • the frame of PHOTO in Home temple caught fire and burnt completely
  • my mother got wild dreams [ every thingshe saw in dream at that looked impossible , but every event happened as it is ]
  • so as MY father's body was there I asked teh PRESIDING PRIEST .. what shud I be doing here ? he said PRAGNYA NAMAK HARI dhyana ....
  • THEN went to MANTRALAYAM along with entire relatives .. and there I ASKED PANDITS , WHAT shud I DO for my PITRUS ?
  • there WHAT i learnt was a unique SANKALPA .. taht one must do as SON for his FATHER [ apart from tarpanas and shraddha ]
  • one unique sadhan that i was taught was GOING for teertha SNANA [ various rivers ] and there the sankalpa would , [ keepinga darbi in hand ] MAM SAMASTA PITRUnaam SHASHVAT PADA prapthyartham , teertha snanam aham karishye anena teshaam sthir sukhamapnum
  • there is VISHNU SAHSRANAAM in narsimha purana , that gives pitrus shanti and punya
  • veer ras
  • after saying take a dip

Bheema Guna Chintane - when things dont go your way

  • I many a times get many queries abut people losing jobs and not getting them for long long time .. in that period peopel get into depression ...
  • such people especially feel quiet low and dejected when in gathering [ during those lay off period ] as if there is no tommorrow .. BLAME themselves , feel betrayed , sense of inferiority , and MOST of the times THINK WHY this IMNSULT to me ? they dont try to accept the situation [ as their karma or ACT of GOD ] and rebel MENTALLY showing all signs of abuse
  • BUT instead of THINKING YEH MERE saath hi KYUN ? not once they think IS there anyone WHO has NOT FACED it ?
  • IF NONE as been SPARED on EARTH not before you NOR after YOU ... you cannot become an EXEMPTION
  • BHEEMASENA was PRINCE of HASTINAPUR always victorius , full of QUALITIES , wealth and EXMPLARY nature [ 100% bhakti ]
  • ALWAYS honoured by PEOPLE of his country , always seated on a THRONE , goes by EXCELLENT CAr , and with complete scope to exceute his TALENt [ what is termed as UDYOGA]
  • BUT in DRAUPADI swayamvar ... they walk towards the PALACE .. as BRAmhanas in very ordinary clothes .. and when MOST HATED rival is sitting on THRONE they ahd to sit on floor [ like people who ahve come for food]
  • having no kingdom of their own [ at that moment ] , no recognitiuon , no wealth vehicle .. seemingly NO scope [ at that moment ] .. what did BHEEMA do DID he not accept the situation ... did he COMAPLINT [ HEY KRISHNa maine kya kya nahi kiya .. yehi sala hai meri BHAKTI KA .. .. not even once does BHEEMA thinks that he does what is expected of him AT that moment ]
  • WE while reading exemplary lives , only fanbtasize the ACHEVEMENTS but rarely seldom we give attention to their QUALITIES and acharaNa
  • WHile in lay off do we pray KRISHna with similar mindset as we used to do earlier ..? do we harbour that what is happening is GOOD for me ? do we think THERE will be better tommorrow for sure ? instead we look at which NON deity will give me some relief .. is this god or that ! and we get into depression and forget kartavya
  • PANDAVAS' life teaches as SUKHA or DUKHA always believe in KRISHNA only GOOD will happen , whatever setbacks comes ITS for own good [ if you are KRIHSNA BHAKTA ] .. and there will always be GLORY at the end of DIFFICULTIES
  • have we touched a GUNA of BHEEMMSENA ?

An observation ! [ ONLY RAYARU solves problems miraculously ]

  • Three years ago .. a person met me .. I was staying in sahaara star , some people came to meet me [ all unknown group ]
  • this man around 39 years of age . unmarried , no work to do , and continual alcoholic .. rejected by many , looks quiet ordinary , almost a wreck .. less intellect ... and no hopes and a debt of 1 crore rs on head .. [ all borrowed from relatives cousins to do some business but partners just ran away with money , unable to come out of it ] .. was standing in last row barely visible , was curiously looking at me .. as i was seated and inspecting papers
  • after the meeting was over , the documentation of deal was not proper , so i had to leave .. and whole thing did not take off
  • this man one day called up and said sir please make one more trip to evalvuate again .. and spoke in a very decent manner ...
  • I felt we must oblige although that would mean lot of unnecessary unwaranted expenses for me
  • as soon as I came out of airport .. he came and greeted , in a loose pant shirt [ untucked and soiled ] , introduced to three similar people younger in age .. drove me around in the city [ requested not to stay in plush hotel so that the type of people whom we would be meeting may not come ]
  • he made me sit in toy shops , meet some unknown people .. all the while apologising , i said okay .. but nothing actually materialised .. so came back .. THIS situation arose again and again ... and went on for YEARs .. The only thing consistent was HIS sincerety , fervour to get out of situation , but could not succeed .. in the meanwhile got to know , he has a sister who is also unmarried , he had lost his father recently and an aged mother , who is upset about his ways ... .. FINALLY after many mnay attempots at having some of his plans work [ without taking any obligation from me that was his mindset ] .. he total;ly lost hopes one day ...
  • PEOPLE around me were asking me why are you entertaining this man ?
  • the only thing that struck about this man was , HE was ardent bhakta of HANUMANji .. was very well mannered HAD [ surprisingly ] complete belief in CAste TARTAMYA [ philososphy he did not know , neither i ever lectured him on any ] .. METICUALOUSLY he would bring FLOWERS every morning and say THis for you sir YOU are BRAMHANA .. i acn only do this much !
  • even after years no result yet LOYALTY he displayed same , not a single deviation in thoughts , but on the contraray affection increased ..
  • SO finally one day he asked IS there any IMPROVEMENT in hsi LIFE .. or he will be so unfortunate !
  • I told him his approach was wrong so only disappointments .. I told till now you felt Just my presence you wil weave a magical future for yourself .. BUT that did not happen , because so many thimngs is lacxking [ as education to weave all by self + luck ]
  • REVERSE the rle, do without questioning WHAT I say .. and thensee how things change !
  • February 19 at 1:25pm
  • NO there was another reason , he was UNKNOWINGLY doing EKADASHI vrata
  • he was RAJPOOT [ his family preist had told he belongs to PARMAR clan of VIKRAMADITYA ] he was also born in UJJAIN
  • HE felt he [ unknowingly ] he shud not be serving menials , if at al has to bow it shud be a GOOD BRMAHNIn who is HANUMAN bhakta
  • these were not something to be brushed off ... its called KULEEN LAXAN
  • THEN i got him a RAYARU yantra and asked him to wear it .. HE broke into tears .. he said HE was lost as there was no one to lOOK after him .AFTER his father's death . everyone only either threatened him or rejected him ... FOR the first time somebody gave something to HIM .. i said emotion baju pehlepehno .. THEN he said I drink sir .. will this not become reverse .. if not then i will keep it safe .. " I said just wear it "
  • after wearing rayaru YANTRA .. TAHt day there was BIG ARTICLE [ half page news ] on RAYARU in all local newspapers ... HE also read and immdiately caaled me and said sir , i am reading something this is amazing .. who is RAYARU sir , he is in KARNATAKA ANDHRA , you are also south .. can you tell
  • I said what you are wearing is that SWAMIJI's amulet only .... THEN he was so happy he said , ever since you agve me this / I am not feeling like drinking eating or going after these petty things ..
  • then one day he came into severe PROBLEM, e said sir WHAT can be done ! he was expecting some instant help , I did not give ... INSTEAD I sent him an address and ask hi go and visit it .. [ rayar mutt ] infact that was just a lane behind his house [ he never knew it ]
  • I told him u might be dejected that instead of help I am asking you to do something .. BUT DO it .. [ he in a low tone said , since you ahve told i have no option i will do it , BUt if mmy friend is not helped out how can they will keep faith in me you
  • he went there donated for sevas and made preist talk tome in kannada ]
  • next day HIS problems got solved [WITHOUT any help as such ] , certain problems [ 99%] are percieved problems .. they get solved all by themselves if RAYARU shows mercy .. RAYARU need not solve problem AS we have thought SOLUTUON for it
  • taht gave hima boost .. he called up sir kuch jaadu sa hogaya hai ! ... ACHCHA boliye MERA problem [ bina mera izzat gaye kitne din mein solve hoga ] .. I said 2 months .... 'AGAR nahi hua toh " I said I will solve ur problem next day .. without a HITCH ..
  • THEN this man made a habit , he everyday gets up takes bath , and straight heads to MUTT makes a pradakshina and then starts his day ..
  • two months passed by nothing happened .. one day .. I was actually promoting interest of a his junior and did not even talk about his prospects or problems ,, he got extremely unconfortable ... and came and asked SIR you are not taking me for GRANTED , all that work I can do myself , why you need these people ,
  • then I told him you are not fit for these works , hetook a dep breath .. and left the room .. then by evening , he got a vvery prominent person who became much attached and wanted to stay the whole day and drove me around ,, and for that he also entertained this BOY
  • in the car I was discussing about a BUSINESS proposal .. with soembody which this man while driving over heard .. [ our boy waas in some off mood for having not given importance , did not catch the lines ]
  • then by the time i had a meeting with few people , standing outsside the gentleman , asked our BOY " did you overhear what was going ON " he said apne kaam ki cheez nahi hai "
  • the gentleman , then gave him a idea about what was all that .. and since I would not turn down his words he asked to recommend His name .. .. as he showed SNOB ... the gentleman offered 50% share ..
  • OUR boy had lots of inhibition as to how all this would happen ,, and he even argued against it ..
  • NOW there is a little side track story .. people whom he oweed crore , started talking smoothly to him offering him theri resources .. [ jsut as he started going to rayaru mutt ][ ... ONE of the persons whom he feared and reckoned as SHREWD .. started
  • I said RAYARU has blessed you , see your brother is helping you , your friend is helping you , your erstwhile partners are back investing for you , MAN you ahve become hit overnite ..
  • maine toh kuch bhi nahi kiya , mere saath rahoge to kya milega .. bas mera bag leke chalna padega ./ ... then I told him how he shud conduct with these peopel ... HE went home , his SISTERS marraige got fixed //// HIS mother had left him owing to alco
  • then he got a proposal for himself ..
  • HE has regained LOST GLORY in two months what could not eb achieved in years .. DAILY RAYAR NAMASKAARA ... there is no big SADHAN than THIS .. TRUST ME ...
  • hai na baat pate ki !
  • toh is poore chakkar mein maine kya kiya , USE rayar mutt bheja .. [ yeh toh sabhi madhva karte hain .] SAB mahima RAYAR ki .. mere peeche two years he wasted got nothing , BUT RAYARU gave in TWO months ... SO human baba logon ke peeche nahi jaane ka
  • ledamma uttu uttu , story cheppaste nammaeyadame ... ! just for gagas
  • raat ke sannate mein ! adhiraat sunsaan sadkon pe sach ki khoj mein kaun jaate hain ... aur unhe sach kaun bata sakta hain ! .. ab main kya kahun .. AJOOBA AJOOBA
  • shubha ratri..

Madhwacharya Guna Chintane - 2

  • GUNA chintana again - why did MADHWACHARYA do acts like lifting boulders , wrestling , SHow of physical prowess , even though he was a SANYASI ?
  • where were rakshasa to see all these ? if at all it was for them ? ..
  • if it was to show he was HANUMAN .. lifting aboulder how come that PROVES he was HANUMAAN only ?
  • teh question was not about GADA , why boulder lifting , wrestling , etc ?
  • CAN we see any GUNA here of VAYU ?
  • Suppose you were a witness to this event SAY you are standing by , few labourers are strugling to move a boulder ., and suddenly a very GREAT SANYASI comes and easily lifts it and keeps it aside.. WHAT will be your REACTION ? what thoughts will cross your mind ? ....
  • IN mahabharta when a house was on fire .. BHEEMSENA lifted the entire house along wit inmates , from within fire and loacted it SAFELY .... SO why such ACTS ?
  • remember there was ARJUN YUDHISTHIR all good and DIVINE persons , BUT they could not do THIS ACT ...
  • there is a purpose ! think more deeply
  • one more hint I will give - when faced with army of opponents or rakshshas teh first THING BHEEMSEN devaru does is to UPROOT a nearby tree / pole /stahmba , WHAT effect does that HAVE ?
  • it sreally not necessary to fight each and every tillu pillu [ but when you stand calm and restrained even a tillu pillu comes forward to challenge ] , when you show core competency with MIGHT and SUCCESS in exemplary way , THE " also rans " in the field HOLD in high esteem and leave ur pATH , and do not harbour desire for confrontation .. [ it saves 90 % efforts ]
  • SO only the HIGH and MIGHTY takes a dig at you ..
  • and THAT dwell and subsequent DEFEAT of OPPONENT establishes the SUPREMACY very QUICKLY
  • so show of STRENGTH is necessary ..
  • IN MADHWACHARYA's time , HOSTILITY was everywhere , [ within BRAMHANAS . within scholars , within rulers , within preachers , within PEOPLE in general ] EVERYWHERE , VISHNU being SARVOTAMA was debatable // WHY debatable PEOPLE around were PREACHING confidently and had ESTABLSIHED with DECEIT taht OTHER than VISHNU SARVOTTAMATVA everything might be RIGHT ...
  • NOW when a SMALL boy of ten eyars VENTURES out to say NO LOOK I ahve somethi9ng NEW .... what would be the REACTION ... ?
  • when I first ventured on interenet with some unknow facts [ rather controversial ] the first of comments were ...1> MUST be some CRACK pARTY 2> may be he has just graduted of a vedic school is in a some cocoon 3> guy has lost his senses 4> not in touch wiuth reality 5> SO DO YOU THINK you are better than a VIVEKANANDA 6> is there a YOGYATA ? 7 > Have you ever addresed a GATHERING before to even know ABC of philosophy 8> seems has no experience at all 9 > has not seen world perhaps 10 > DO you know science [may be i am talking to an illiterate irrational ] 11> DO you know darwin ? 12> kabhi college gaye ho 13> CAN you prove it 14> c'mon in ten minutes I want all things erased , DONt dare write SUCH things ... 15 HE is CHAVENIST 16> he is RACIST 17 ATTACK him 18> teach hima lesson // 19 people like you dont come in front they talk from behind , come front we shall show what is what 20 > WHO ARE YOU ? WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOURSELVES
  • these were the incidents in childhood prior to taking SANYASA which gathering appreciated as { WE APPRECIATE an EXTRAORDINARY child } even teh FATHER of acharya reconciles saying ITS NONLY a CHILD .//// real problems started after taking SANYASA
  • what happened then ? the very first day a TUSLLE enraged between ACHARYA's GURU and ACHARYA on ishtasiddhi
  • Sameer Khatavkar [ we tend to forget issues in flow of ecstasy ] when a question of SANYASI arises , people tend to comment on his aspect of life [ why he is wearing that , why he needs a golden throne , why a bed , why shud he harbour ill will , cant
  • WE are very much impressed by MADHWACHARYA and we do not do any manan , but rather go by translators view .. and sometimes take exactly opposing view on some other thread [ most do it unknowingly ]
  • BUT is SANYAASI allowed to give LAAT ? is the grand question ? when we see a SANYASI we expecta MEEK person who would say OKAY its all RIGHT HARI CHITTA [ bhagavt praises that attitude at places ] SO whats SO different here ?
  • i hope readers appreciate this point [ hopw its not out of -place ]
  • if you are NOT a SANYASI you cannot preach in GENERAL to all sections and AS LEADER of HUMAN RACE /// people take words of SANYASI seriously ..
  • THE idea of MADHWACHARYA was to reach PAN INDIA [ UNIVERSE in toto] and for that , his ESTABLISHED GREATNESS shoudl reach corners of COUNTRY ..
  • EATING enormously , lifting boulders , subduing wrestlers , these were EXTREMELy popular in those days and CAUGHT immediate attention and hence interest in PEOPLE LIKE mayavaadi to SUBDUE him .. WHY that is necessary ?
  • we can LEARN from LATEST episode OF MOHAN and AGNIVEER ... since it was MOHAN who gatecrashed AGNIVEERS SITE , he chose to IGNORE him and BAN him , defeating the LARGER PURPOSE ... BUT SUPPOSE if AGNIVEER is enough AGITATED to COMPEL him to confron MOHAN what will be the SCENARIO ?
  • think and post your views all ! i will take a sbreak \
  • Sachin could not have started as early as 15 had he not scored 300+ at under 14 .. so extraordinnary feat is must to make an early start else , one will ahve to play under 14 , then local trpohies , ranji , etc etc and wait as 12 th man and then start career .. by that time you are past prime .. So quick start needs extraordinary BRILLIANCE ..
  • still more justice required to this thread
  • at one point in debate , when opponent looses , he resorts to physical abuse ..people usually come prepared with such views [ SRISRI and ZAKIR NAIK debate , where he was absued and threatened ] physical prowess acts as detreent to all this ... AND alos its a MESSAGE to others [ especially the seers of the DAY ] without strength one must NOT VENTURE to preach ...
  • when opponents are convinced the\at the other man is STRONG he debates , [ people when they are convinced that the other man is weak , they dont talk they oppress by show of strength ] ... so primarily a debate can occur in two circumstances 1> when the gathering has LOVE for the TRUTH 2> when gathering wants desperately to prove you wrong and cannot overpower you physically ..
  • evalvating the things on a present note is always dangerous ... we are living in a transient world .. things change drastically within days .. as the power centres change , world becomes a diffrent place to be living in ,,, age old wisdom is must to ta
  • how situations change ? in my college days .. MECHANICAL engg was considered as TOP education , all those who got 100 -90 marks in PCM [ physyics chemistry maths ] wre eligible and choosing only mechnaical engg .. CHEMICAL engg from VJTI was best closi
  • world is going to drastically change .. there will be high polarisation .. only potent will survive
  • a wise person is potent .. who is wise man one must take recourse to NEETI SHASTRA
  • neeti shastra is taught by parents to sons and daughter ..