- we have seen three incident of poorvagraha .. 1. vihsu shanbag raised that there is a content in BSB .. chiraan said something which Vishnu Shanbhag construed as overriding the comment without going into details ... and acused of having no proper training katha and vaada ..... what was not understood was ... let me give example .. there is mention of a medicinal plant at the end of road leading to my house .... when such a description of medicinal plant is being given [ important for immediate cure of a disease ] , if Vishnu S says yes a similar plant can be found in indian ocean 2000 metres deep that is more potent ... chiraan which is more beneficial going to end of road OR INDIAN OCEAN and diving deep 2000 mts and then saying arey this is same as what is there near my house
- BSB is ocean .. to find tenets in it is like diving deep in ocean .. when something is complied and given ready to eat instead of savouring if we take diversion to ocean just to understand that it is same .. but after laborious effort what is right ..... is acusation of lack of katha vaada etc right ?
- 2> when a dictum is followed tooth and nail .. and is only resorted to then same parameters should be applied to all aspects of life ... liberties should not be taken ... In case of adhyayana the stress was on puritanical way that only study should be paramount as in olden days .. [ whereas argument was forwarded that in changed times some liberalisation has been done has stamp of tradition pontiffs ] sich stamp is totally considered ecstacy ... so the point was raised was the adhyayan done in same puritanical way .. as prescribed ... obviously the answer is no as changed time has no scope for personal seva ...... THIS was asked in direct manner as DID you do personal seva to attain status of adhyatru ..... the answer could ahve been yes or NO ... but the answer has been IT IS PERSONAL ATTACK
- 3> BRAMHA is JNANA POORNA .... that means his gnana in his mind is complete .... DURGA GIVES AGNANA TO BRAMHA FOR KSHANRDHA .... does DURGA cut off access to gnana in mind ANSWER YES ..........why DID BRAMHA HAVE HARI PREETI because he did dhyaan of HARI in kshanardha only ... IS DHYAANA done with GNANA .. answer yes .... now tell me WHEN GNANA IS CUT OFF BY DURGA in kshanardha ...(statement A -) SO NO GNANA ACCESS TO BRAMHA in mind in KSHANARDHA .....(statement B.) BRAMHA ACCESSES GNANA in kshanardha to do DHYANA in mind hence HARi preeti .... when told statemnet A and statement B is contradictory ... POORVAGRAHA says .. no there is no contradiction any lay man can say there is contradiction
- manana is a process which give rise to doubts .. who clears doubts .. an able guru .. where will one get IT ?
- then once doubts are settled there is scope for forgetting the lesson or non application of lesson learnt .. so for dhrudikarana nidhidhyasan is required .....now shravana requires a able guru [ not just any guru ] .. manana requires a an able guru [ who is capable of removing doubts ] .. nidhidhyasana requires an able guru .. else can shishya with manovyatha manoroga do nidhidhyasana .. who wll remove them [ an able guru , tatavadevata , again guru anugraha ]
- I do not see a single instance of independent adhyayana succeeding at every step an able guru is must .. an able guru responds what ? seva or just mere exercise of carrying a grantha in hand keeping it open for reference
- PAROKSHA means siddhi in every field known ... paroksha does not mean just know how whos who and whats what ... it is siddhi .... has anybody heard of siddhi being obtained by mere books ?
- does siddhi of vidya come by reading books or anugraha of vidyabhimani devata ?
- define siddhi ' this is a good question ...... while all were extraordinary archers ..in mahabharta , astra works pnly if one had siddhi ... what are reasons of astra siddhi ... while astra ,antras are known reciting them oes it give result ... ? so it should be siddha
- how it is siddha when given upadesha by a guru who has already attained siddhi of that astra
- while even i know pashupat astra mantra bramhastra mantra .. but my reciting it will it work ? no i have done adhyayana of these astras even if i do a crore time adhyayana of this astra i will not be able to use it
- why?
- i do not have siddhi .. similarly paroksha gyana is siddhi of all vidyas ..
- ji, Can you give an example that has relevance to adhyayana, for ex, We are reading BSB under a guru...what siddhi is needed here?
- VISHNU SHANBAG ... nobody denied the importance of jnana ... the shravan manana nidhidhyasan if a guru is not giving to his shishya he is NO GURU ... RAYARU is best GURU first thing he will do is give gyana to SHISHYA ... now gyana need not come through usual shravana ie listening to years of shastra patha .. rayaru can do it in seconds .. that is the conetention of post ..
- ji, Hope my objection is clear. How do you understand siddhi w.r.t. adhyayana. Btw, do our gurus say this is necessary and quote a pramANA for it? Also, what exactly do you think are they referring to?
- sanjeeva TATVODYOTA has multiple meanings .. all the meanings that are given if known and recollectible on finger tips to the LIKING OF RAYARU or MADHWACHARYA ... ability to recall and present all the tenets [ all the tenets that were sammat to author not tenets that we have understoood as final ] is siddhhi of that grantha
- if a particular meaning has been left and not learnt at all does bring displeasure of RAYARU or teekakaras .. we need to take another birth to learn them again .. HOW MANY BIRTHS LIKE by self adhyayana is it not easy tos a RAYARU teach ee all that is best to my capacity
- that is the point ... now you have put it across ... the understanding that I have understood whatever has been written by teekacharya and rayaru in their granthas to the fullest is itself ignorance
- look at guruguna stavana .. vadeedraru has said even great scholars prior to rayaru have not given all the meanings of tatvaprakashika ... what does that mean ....?
- remember karna forgot mantras ... ARJUN FORGOT MANTRAS ... after KRISHNA paramdhaam
- if it were memory skills ...that would never have happened
- some recollect at instance some take lot of tie to recollect ... it is matter of siddhi
- rTRY jyotishya if you can recollect any sutras as soon as you see horoscope and interprete you will undertsand what is recolection
- vishnu when rayaru is teaching optially where will you go for shravana ? every shravan will look defectful
- manana becomes automatic affair
- so adhyayana is inner mode
- experience to knwo this
- shanmukha ., your statement is without pramaana and against pratyaxa
- siddhi has no link to janma siddhi comes by vidhyabhimani devata anugraha
- it can come in one birth or many ... depending upon seva of devata
- devat upasana
- devatas are srujya with aparoxa .... how will you reconcile that
- please define yogyata
- SUTRA BHASHYA TEEKA are not for manushyas .. VADIRAj statement is already given
- please define yogyata
- Acharya in ATantra sara has said bramha gayatri is for yogyata praapti ... what does he mean here .. what is this yogyata .. which is to be obtained to best of capacity ?
- yogyata is ability to do seva ... yaa does sadhan in smoke for ten kalpas .. that is his yogyata
- not all can do that
- ordinary manushya cannot sit for two minutes i smoke
- so his level of vidya siddhi and yama siddhi will be different
- both read same veda
- but its not adhyayana that diferentiates yogyata
- but siddhi by doing seva .. seva in abnormal conditions
- CAN WE SAY UNDERSTANDING OF VEDAS of YAMA and a manushya is same .. because both read same material same shravana
- in MAHABHARTA there is episode where on laxan shastra YUDHISTHIRA asks why ARJUN has so much travel .... KRISHNA explains DRAUPADI stops KRISHNA saying YUDHISTHIRA HAS NO YOGYATE for shravana of this LAXAN SHASTRA
- laxan shastra is known to all what is that KRSIHNA said as ARJUN having long Tummy as reason for travel this YUDHISTHIR did NOT knew ?
- shanukha what is syllabus for aparoxa
- please elaborate
- so syllabus is sarvamoola .. how many meanings does sarvamoola has .. is all that meanings your syllabus from truna to bramha
- VISHNU SAHASRA NAMA has 10000 meanings .. do you have any loukika guru who can give sharvana of all 10000 meanings
- or can you tell me if ypou have done shravan of vishnu sahaasra naam , you know 10000 meanings .. ie 100 meanings of vishwa
- please take another decade of adhyayana of VISHNUSAHSRA NAAM and come give me a shravana of 100 meaning of ord vishwa
- if you can do that I will accept that adhyayana gives jnana
- my capcity is i know hundred meanings of vishwa ... but there is no loukika guru I acn tell with authority who can give shravana of 100 meanings of vishwa
- tell me who will decide my capacity
- YOGYATA is defoned as HATA ... hata to know ... you dont have hata to know 100 meanings .. then you have no yogyate .. but if one has hata to know .he is eligible
- who gives such eligible soul gyana .. not adhyayana
- but RAYARU
- THAT IS WHERE YOU AHVE AGREED ... for many eligible souls RAYARU is NIYAT GURU thats why he is here ....
- RAYARU is not sitting here for giving desires.. he is here to be a NIYAT GURU ... we are screaming from TOP that RAYARU is NIYAT GURU HE KNOWS YOUR YOGAYATA
- So many good points have now come out ... please tell me if your yogyata is of knwoing 30 meanings of VISWA .. will you get it by adhyayana
- swadhyaya
- then what is manadanda for yogyata ... SUTRA BHASHYA has ananta artha .. SHESHA says each word he can understand only 100 meanings .. so SHESHAAVTARI shishya used to take moolrupa and undesrtand with 100 heads all the 00 meanings .. please read teekas carefully
- where is pramaana that automatically niyat guru will come without striving for
- withouit striving for niyat guru will one get one
- remember JAGANNATH dasaru episode .. he did vayu seva
- then rayaru seva .
- then vijayarayar seva
- and then he was directed to NIYAT GURU
- please quote i will give rght interpretation for it also
- i have tatvaprakashika ]
- DO YOU MEAN TO SAY GREAT SRINIVAS acharya [ jagganatha dasru ]was not on right path so niayt guru did not come to him automatically
- SORRY GOPALA DASARU did RAYAR SEVA obtained GAYATRI SIDDHI ... and then VIJAYA DASARU came to tell he is abusing SIDDHI
- please get facts right
- MOXA also happens without fail at the end of kalpa whether you do sadhan aor not .. BUT DOES THAT MEAN MOXA comes automatically withoiut striving for it
- BIMBA APAROXa karana vijayadasaru CAME BY RAYAR SEVA please get the facts right
- BIMBA APAROXA comes by BIMBA MOORTY upadesha and that is given by ATMA GURU .. for this SEVA of RAYARU is necessary is pratyaxa siddha in out times .. dassaru themselves ahave agreed
- rayaru is avishta in all gurus that we do seva .. to give BIMBAAPROXA .. this is what all the great yatis have said
- WHAT PRECEDES AGAMAN OF NIYAT GURU kindly answer .. seva or anything else .. show me one case where one has niyat guru without doing iontense seva
- you are not answering my question .. AGREED upadesha of BIMBA is By niyat GURU what preced agaman of NIYAT GURU ?
- gyaana pakva means siddhi in paroksha ,... rayar seva gives this siddhi and then rayar arranges for niyat guru .. is pratyaxa siddha
- youhave gone back again ... mana gives doubts who clears these doubts to the level fo getting siddhi ?
- manana [ not mana ]
- please tell in clear terms did you understand the term siddhi ?
- does manana rectify doubts all by itself or GURU is required to rectify ?
- okay i will have to come one step down .. do you agree paroksha includes gyna of mantras etc ..
- mantra siddhi comes by manana or devata prasaad
- is mantra siddhi part of proksha gyaana or not ?
- matra siddhi we are speaking about comes only with mnatra gyana .. but even after hvaing mantra g=jnana .. can you guarantee mantra siddhi by adhyayana and manana
- paroksha can be had without matra siddhi ? please get your basics right you need more manan and adhyayana
- manan is not continuous adhyayana
- kindly understand the ter siddhi ..and how it is important for PAROKSHA ... paroksha gyana means sakal shashtra siddhi
- now you ask pramaana for it i will give
- manan is not just mere avalokan of shastra that is what i meant
- manana gives rise to doubts means there is apllication of tarka nyaya there in manana
- tarka nyaya can be applied only if you know which nyaya is used in the context ... out of infinite nyaya used by ACHARYA MADHWA ... if you do not know few properly .. how is you mana successful .// siddhi means knwoing all nyaya successfuly and its apllication
- SORRY PARISHARAMA SHOULD BE FOR OBTAINING GURU ANUGRAHA there is lot of difference in my sentence and yours
- swadhyaya does not give siddhi has been proved clearly with examples .. without siddhi there is no paroxa ... without paroxa no niyat guru will come ...
- to get siddhi more than swadhyaya you need guru anukampa .. that is had by seva ..
- more importantly not loukika guru seva but RAYAR seva
- ARJUN is savyasachi because he was practicing day night with both right and left hand / despite so much parishram swadhyaya ... practise of dhanurvidya ... he was not ready for AHABHAAT battle .so VEDVYASA gives him amantra through YUDHISTHIR to go to INDRAkeel parvat and take siddhi
- what he does SEVA of SHIVA
- why ARJUN does seva of RUDRA ... he could have studied and done swadhyaya .. it shoudl have happened .. why separately send him //// PLEASE EXPLAIN
- MAHABHARTA is there to understand vangmaya ... it is not astory
- the term siddhi i think has not yet been understood
- ther is inherent inability to understand then I am helpless
- BUT according to you only study is enough .. BUT here in ARJUNas case study was not enough he had to do seva .. exclusive seva ... isnt there a message
- then rudra appeared and gave pashupatastra ... now this pashupata atra mantra I know .. all bramhins know why does it not become siddha for us by study
- not even for ARJUN
- WHERE ARE WE SEPARATING ITS YOU WHO HAVE BEEN SAYING THAT exclsuive seva in physiscal form is not PARAMOUNT .. now if you have changed ypour stance debate is closed
- ARJUn is personification of shravan mana dhyaan .. ACHARYAs words not mine ...
- FRom his lIfe we know ... siddhi is more important than shravan manana dhyaan .. and for that physical seva of guru is PARAMOUNT
- ARJUn was best example of shravana manana dhyaan of shastras .... even AFTER GETTING GEETA FROM HARI HIMSELF ... he could not understand right meaning
- HE had to do MADHWACHARYA SEVA .. as bull to know exact eaning of GEETA
- is there any doubt left
- HARE shrinivasa
- yes
- VAADIRAJARU had ruju avesha is what we can conclude ..second is VADIRAAJARU never showed he is a great devata or so .. he behaved as normal manushya ,,, so he prayed his GURU VAYU .. AVADIRAJARu had great bhakti of vayu is known through all his works and stuti ... the vyakhya of vayustuti is just mind boggling
- BUt it upholds the importance of vayustuti in every madhwas life .. you can get anything everything under sky with this
- the word siddhi that I am stressing comes only by vayustuti
- but beauty is after doing this vayustuti invariably one grind of rayar seva becomes mandatory ... then when we conclude in life if siddhi has to come by rayar seva then why do vayustuti .. the rayaru stops responding
- viju bhai secrets aisa open forum kaise deneko mangta
- VAYUSTUTI is greatest boon to MADHWAS
- if one does not do VAYUSTUTI he will not know anything
- I used to do vayustuti even before upanayana ... there were no results then .. everyone in the family dynasty knew i was doin vayustuti ... on the day of upanayana the entire phala of vayustuti backlog came in an instance ... THIS EVERYONE NOTICED ... a person who was unknown to us
- he was 70 years bramhana ... was walking by .. he saw me a new vatu .. he came inside and pinched my two cheeks [ boogly woogly woosh
- and then said i felt like doing this .. and he did sashtang namaskaara
- so VAYUDEVA is very dayaallu ... he did not say .,, ai adham manushya bina adhikaar ke yeh kya kar raha hai .. instead he created bank balance and gave me ... in one single go .. that energy could be felt ....
- VAYUSTUTI is miracle potion
- I told yesterday only koshish karo pyarey
- I am not capable of describing the effects of VAYUSTUTI it is just mind boggling ..it is aquaregia for all karmas
- FOR ALL NEW ENTRANTS I suggest only one thing vayustuti .. and it will lead to rayar seva and jnana will be automatic phenomenon ... experience to beleive this is no fantasy
- there is vayustuti by dasarus in prakruta bhasha too i will post it in blog .. one can do that
- see all dasa maharaj what did they do .. when somebody is in trouble /// they wrote small padya stotra in kannada and it did solve problems like mantras would do
- so dasra kruta stotras are very poerful
- where is questions and answers
- if we go by jagannatha dasarus words all words are mantras .. for one who has known this hari sarvaottam avyujeevottama ..
- what converts simples words into mantras should definitely be a mantra in itself isnt it ?
- i think recorded version of hari vayustuti is there on kannaaudio
- http://www.kannadaaudio.com/Songs/Devotional/ShriHariVayuStuti-SriVidyabhushana/VayuStuti.ram
- every word has adhidevata so it becomes mantra
- when one knows them
- ie the adhidevata of each word ..letter
- as i amwriting this entire hari nirmalya fell on me
- nirmalya terrtha pushpa rayar padodaka .. everything
- I dont think anybody would get to hear vayustuti anywhere except at vayu temples in madhwa region and that too at 8 am or so
- viju don phir break dance ko chala gaya kya
- no there is no rule of closing ears even with vedic mantras
- because when it comes to shravan adhikaara for women .. it is said that the adhyaapak should keep the adhikaari before hi and with a nimitta to teach him women can also sit by and learn
- now in such occasions mantras and some other sutras are uttered but that does not deter women from knwoing them
- no there is no rule that one should not hear .. one should not do adhyayana of the vedic mantras
- if hearing ban were there .. then in TEMPLES pooj is done with suktas .. and yejamana is couple who sit .. if nay rule were there women folks would have been asked to go out
- there is no such incident .. similarly in yagnya king and queen sit .. yagnya is done with veda mantras
- now sitting queen would not act deaf to veda mantras ..
- but that does not mean that you put a cd and keep hearing it
- that becomes adhyayana
- apna guest appearance hrishikesh bhayya bhi nahi dikhayi de rahe hai
- cameo Hariprasaad is expected
- best actor in silent role HARIPRASAAD ALUR
- all successful actors after shot go to their personal makeup van .. only extras like us stay on set
- yes ordinary among extras
- extrallu vesevallu extrale
- i think a new thread should be ther for hv stuti .. this way it is not good VAYU is jeevottam
- see i have not yet started any lessons to non dwija or women because .. once mental prep is achieved .. there are so ay sadhnas given for the that it will ecome difciult to find time ... but those sadhanas cannot bring good if complete preparationis not there
- adhika masa is coming there are many sadhana which can be done in this ..
- cameos are played by superstars to make a boring picture into hit ...
- guest appearances are mae by ex superstars to enhanec the value of the role even the small ...
- gachchan saugandhi...... is alltime favourite
- 48 days
- keshav beech beech mein item dance leke ayega ....kamal ki comedy to hai hi ....bus ek lalita pawar ki kami hai
- arey bhayya i a negative character always asking questions like brmh arakshas
- I told you na I a rakshas
- okay half hour break
- once in a blue moon bazigar hit ho jata hai
- in mutts you will find vauyututi punashcharana homa ...that includes udyaapana
- sat tark mean good logic how alert ?
- good evening
- yes
- santanik loka
- there is clear mentio that VAYUDEVA does ling bhanga of NS by Hunkaara
- in bhuvan vinyasa ... after vajrabhumi there is DURGA BHU And Sri bhaga ... Andhatamas ghanodaka are all part of durga bhaga .. where tamoyogyas get release ....then SRI bhaaga is considered vaikuntha bhaaga .. now what about bhu bhaaga .. here santaanika loka exists .. there is swarga bhu and naraka here for nitya samsaris ..
- yes please ask vasan vs
- sukha dukh mishra .. nitya samsaaris are of three types ... one who keep circling from swarga and bhu ..these get sukha followed by dukha .. one who always remain on bhu sukh dukha simulataneously ...and third who keep circling between bhu and naraka
- nakha stuti .. 1-41, shloka 41 - gachhan [ 108 ] - 1 shloka 1-41 nakha stuti ... 1 punahcharana
- not after saligrama pooja , you must do while saligraama pooja , after you finish snana and pushparchan of saligrama , take hanuman vigraha keep saligrama , do sankalpa anganyasa kar nyasa .. give it snana with nakhastuti shloka 1 -41 .. and then archana with shloka 41 - gachchan .. [ 108] -1 and 1-41 .. and then give dhoop deepa naivedya to saligrama and hanuman .. and rest .. it will give infinite phala
- udyapana can be done at t nagar .. but daily tarpana mut alo be given
- why will you be in asuchi .. ?
- if you have habit of drying a madi vastra daily ..then wearing it is madi .. a silk will stay in madi for 15 days ... but only requirement is you must reach it with wet cloths .. this way you can complete ..breaking in between is not good ...
- okay
- ye insadhana pages sure
- the first shloka peedha parihaar
- yes
- it should be done immediately ..
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Monday, August 5, 2013
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