- why did Madhwacharya write Anuvyakhyana when already SUTRA BHASHYA had been written ?
- that means is anuvyakhyana a khandana grantha ?
- yes so it is not a khandana grantha , otherwise mayavadakhandana etc becomes redundant
- so what are the specil points that are seen in Anyvyakhyana and not seen in BSB
- nyaya sudha is tika on which gantha ?
- Hrishikesh Srivatsa would you like to refute viju don
- so what has been written in anuvyakhyana must have been written nayya sudha ... what new do we get in Nyaya sudha
- viju don ... on the outset itself it is stressed that parayana of first akshara of BS gives phala of 24000 gayatri
- so what is more important parane or parayana
- what does nYAYA sudha offer towards ANUVYAKHYANA ... infact tivikrama panditacharya , padmanabhteertharu , narhariteertharu all have written commentaries ...
- so Nayaya sudha is elaborate ! What is PARIMALA
- so grand question is how should a student start , parimala . chandrika sudha anuvyakhyana sutra !!!! or ... SUTRA anuvyakhyana sudha chandrika parimala
- I am a dull student ! how should i start
- others have also written commentaries , like vijayeendraru vadirajaru raghottamaru .. what was implied in these that jayateertharu did not cover
- how many have done BS parayana atleast once uptill now ?
- Sutra parayana is manana of entire Madwa shastra ! any opinion
- when we say shravana .. one must have heard from able gurus .. everything from sutra bhashya sudha parimala and all vyakhyana of vairajaru vijayeendraru [ which gives different perspectives ] ... MBTN its commentaries , bhagavat et all
- ater having read for manana one goes through Sutra parayana .. with every sutra , recalling bhashya sudha parimala commentaries
- so when this practise is continuous .. sthir gyana on each and every aspect will come ... then one can go for parayana of even sankshipta grantha ... and slowly nidhidhyasan starts
- so concise granthas like anubhashya helps dhyana ! any opinion
- shuruvaat to karo pyaare
- SO what is the purpose of MADHVA JANMA ?
- getting first rank in school ... then doing engineering ,, and then joining MNC ... woosh to offshor assignment and green card !!!!
- Hari sarvottama VAyu jeevottama is kartavya of every jeeva .. whats speciall about ADHWA Vipra janma .. Acharya srimadacharya santu me janma janma ni .. why ?
- as the discussion has shown it may take many births to read reread the sutra , bhashya , teekas tippanis .. and without knwoing these manana in the form of parayana of bs is not possible l.. without parayana manana .. nidhidhyasana doesnt start .. without that aparoxa is not possible and moxa is not possible ....
- but all this is not possible if not born as madhwa vipra
- so we need to take many madhwa vipra janmas to get to nidhidhyasn stage ...
- this janma that we have got if we waste in getting green card and mletcha sansarga ,... what is the guarantee that we will be born madhwa again ...
- what is the purpose of talking about moxa then ....
- BS parayana
- sudha adhyayan
- So how apt is the song in our lives " hyange madalayya Krishna Hoguttide ayushya "
- ayushya in dollar dreams
- without rayar seva nothing is possible
- so the madhwa janma should be put to maximum use in gaining bhashy sudha parimala adhyayana ... but when will one start
- bachpan beeta khel khel me .. bhari jawaani soya ... dekh budhaapa ab sochen kya khoya kya paya
- yes ,
- mutts and organisations should print and reprint copies irrespective of demand ... so that books are in vogue ..
- sometimes time becomes prabala and floods like mantralayam washes off many a grathas never to see public light again
- Currenntly I have seen TATVA PRAKASHA by jayaterrtha muni .. in kannada in 8th cross RAYAR mutt MALLESHWARAM .....
- this place is wonderful the atmosphere is always festive 365days
- a visit to vidyapeeta will give a print copy of all sarvamoola by Acharya MADHWA
- srimadanuvyakhyana by pavanaja publications banashankari
- parimala by najangud sriraghavendra sahitya parishat publications
- collect a complete sutra set just for parayana ....
- subscription to sanskrit chandamama wil keep you in touch with sanskrit day to day
- subscription to sudharma sanskrit newspaper will also keep you brushed up in sanskrit
- what else is time meant for ...
- its all about prioritisation
- three hours one must set aside for spiritual practises
- one hour devapooja .. [ stotra recital japa everything should be within devapooja ambit ]
- 30 minutes for parayana [ whatever you have set target as ]
- next 20 minutes dhyana
- 1 hour adhyayana [ sutra bhashya sudha parimala bhagavat bhagavdgeeta ] read books
- rest whole day you do all the work ... office , family , firends , outing
- 4- 7 or 5-8 6-9 whichever suits esrly morning should be exclusively set aside
- on a sunday or holiday it should be 5-6 hours .....
- read three hours extra ...kya guruji ab sunday ko toh jaan baksho
- for those who have retired{retarded} [like me ] , its only bak bak all the time ... full time dincharya
- is three hours a dy a difficult proposition ?
- daily reciting vayustuti increases will power
- one must take upadesha of vedvyasa mantra from a yati and practise it for speedier grasping of sutras bhashya
- achieving small small target is sadhana
- ability to sit for longer hours , concentration , ability to study , ability to do japa . ability to do pooja . [ for this there is bramha para stotra ] to do manana , to do dhyana
- any yati is yati ... why differentiate .. yati is higher ashrama ... they have vsihesha hari vayu rayaru sannidhi ....
- whichever yati you choose it will be rayaru only who will give upadesha ..
- slowly one must achieve each target in ayea or so one target can be achieved .. ie one year for getting ability to sit longer hours .. next year getting comeplete concentration
- next target to achieve mind to study within all constraints stress , obstructions , family trouble ,. biwi ki khitpit . bachchon ka rona dhona .. saan bahu galata
- boss ka sataana , secretary ka seduction ,bribes ..curbing jealousy , not fuming over colleagues promotion ,. neighbours new car , oh my desire for a holiday .....
- ovecoming al these is next target ..
- but how , take a mantra and do sadhana .. \
- my uncle every year brings a vigraa silver or panchaloha ...
- say if he has taken a hayagreeva mantra
- he will bring hayagreeva moorty
- do shodashopachara everyday for that moorty along with saaligramas as per garud purana [ garuda purana has excellent hayagreeva sadhana enumerated ]
- and give naivedya everyday
- and then and the end of year he would donate the vigraha along w ith tamboola dakshina vastra to a bramhana
- next year he wll bring narsimha moorty
- so on ...
- kya chiraan bhai akkha sunday ka vaat lagadaala .. mobile dekhne kpo kantaal agaya hai . jab dekho notification ..aur kya japa dhyaana .... sunday hai bhai .... ghar mein log hai ki nahi ... ?
- Hariprasad Nellitheertha and others .. go to a yati and ask them to teach first and last line of any grantha you are about to read ... and then you can start your adhyayan
- all by yourselves
- for doubts wordpress blog is there
- mani manjari is good to start
- when rayar mutha was publishing manimanjari kannadanuvada ... chandrasekharendra saraswati made a personal plea to sujayeendra teertharu to stop publication ... he requested with foded hands
- same question was raised in mysore maharajas court when dvaita advaita vishishta advaita debate was going on
- Dvait acharya quoted whatever was written in manimanjari is puranokta
- people in the sabha laughed
- every word of hvs has veda pramaana
- as the sabha laughed , the acharya spent whole night in hvs purashacharana
- next day just outside the royal palace .. gosais came from gorakhpur to sell puraanas
- acharya took a purana an as he opened ... the same page opened where whatever written by naryanapanditacharya with wordings appeared in it
- he bookmarked the page ... and asked the gosai to come with this book when royal saiiks call
- he went inside the sabha next day and declared ... the authenticity of manimanjari and challenged the oppenents to get verified from gosais books outside palace .. where tampering allegation cannot be put
- garud purana clearly states sankara as daitya
- not all puranas be subjected to interpolation especially when advaita is in vogue
- when a purana published and printed from a land where advaita is revered .. and in the very print if you can show sankara mentioned as daitya .... tampering allegation doesnt come
- regarding aaptimoolatva ... we say madwa is vayu .... they say sankara is rudra .. ramanuja is sesha
- so aaptipmoolatva is there for all
- but does that grant sanction to truth in their saying
- no
- is sankara theory original
- no
- it is derived from sutrasamhita which was in existence age old
- ramanuja copie from bodhayanakruta sutravrutti
- madhwacharya quotes from bramhatarka
- now u and i have not seen bramha tarka
- neither sankara claims sutrasamhita
- advaita is plagiarism
- yet such questions are not raised
- but even after showing purana vachan of sankar daitya ... why doubt over tampering
- if i show purana copy in my house then one can acuse me of tampering .. but if i show a statement from your copy in your house how can i be acused
- May 23, 2012 at 7:37am
- If you were to say that advaita land puranas have Shankara's demoniacal references then does it not amount to advaitins' tacit acceptance that their paramaguru is indeed a demon?
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Monday, August 5, 2013
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