What is Hari Bhakti ?
Its affection towards LORD with complete knowledge about HIM according to capacity !
The second part is very important . How does it come ? BY studying or listening to Bramhin’s adept in shastras .
Your question is if Hari Bhakti is there then why make such a hue and cry about procedures and rules and regulations and extreme dwelling on VARNA and ASHRAMA DHARMA ?
Especially in the background of my answer to one of the non dwijas that HARI BHAKTI is why worry about Yagnyopavita etc ...] Courtesy ISCKON
A very good question logically but a little introspection shows that there is primary contempt towards VARNA and ASHRAMA dharma ……….
Let us analyse this on different planes to evolve a right answer ……….
Firstly let us analyse the term HARI BHAKTI wrt Mletchas ….. Dwijas and LEARNED BRAMHINS ……………
Do all these have similar HARI BHAKTI ? [ your question primarily assumes them to be similar ...
How is it their Bhakti is different and varying in degrees ...........?
I shall give some examples ...........
We all love our Parents ....... universally everyone loves his parents ...... there is no denial of this fact ........... In the west when children grow up they desert their old parents .......... In the east people look after their parents .. primarily love for parent is more than West ......... Can this be disputed .....
even in east certain families live nuclearly and yet keep a close ties with parents Parents are somewhat happy and somewhat sad about the distance .......
In case where everyone lives together happiness is more as there is more proximity and sharing of good days and bad days ........
Even in these cases there are some who give 24/7 attention to their parents .... sacrificing their personal enjoyments some take extreme care of aged in the family .......... These are more loving towards their PARENTS .........
Yet some do all the above and also look after the departed [ a concept hitherto unknown to west ]
some do pitru sadhana ……………..
So what exactly is the difference in these categories ? Are all of them not having the Pitru bhakti ?
If a mletcha says I have pitru Bhakti so what I dont live wit my parent , o what I dont look after them in old age , so what if I dont obey them to the core [ Like Pandavas accepting Kuntis verdict on Draupadi ] yet I have pitru Bhakti and that should be alone enough why make hue and cry about culture and east and west Hindus …….. what if I marry a west and desert my Parent … is Pitru Bhakti not enough …………….. ?
BUT as YOU SEE the demonstration of Bhakti is itself BHAKTI and not frenzy of ISCKON .. for demmonstration of Pitru Bhakti you must know shastra and importance of PITRU from BHGIRATH , SHRAVAN RAAM etc … who will tell all these only a learned Bramhin ……..
In so many different pitru bhakti categories , even if two diffrent categories marry there will be conflict of interest and offspring may not be as good as their superior category parent ..
[ in palmistry there are artistic hands and spastic hands , when two marry the classical question is whether offspring will be an advancement of spastic type or degenerated form artistic hand ? ]
similar question arises with people of two category marrying …
if such marriages are ramp[ant thn total degradation is what can be seen .. with total absence of high culture and infact such a culture will get extinguished [ this is what is seen in west ]
So it has been effectively shown that BHAKTI varies and mletcha Bhakti cannot be compared to Learned Bramhins Bhakti ……………
The more the knowledge more will be devotion ………… so a knowledged man to be happy has to marry equally knowledged woman else they will have differences in married life and incompatibility ……………..
————————————- end of plane 1 ————————————————————
plane 2 ————–
In this world Hari bhakti and shastras will be alive only till Bramhins who are adept in these exist ………. without shastra gyana Hari bhakti is not possible ………. When there will be no bramhins adept in shastras then this knowledge will get depleted and misinterpreted to suit thugs and sinners …………
So Hari bhakti comes with Knowledge imparted correctly by Learned Bramhins …….. Learnings are gene based and not rote learning ….. the quality to learn do upavasa sadhana and japa with austerities are engrained in genes ………… a mletcha however hard he tries cannot stay away from hunger thrist women even by mind …. his mind is ever engrained in these issues hence he is called mletcha …. that is nature ………..
the offspring will also be similar as needs of Indriya are body based and body is alwys akin that of mother …….. so a bramhin marrying a Mletcha will give rise to a mletcha only ……….
so slowly all bramhisn will be bereft of learnings ………..if your logic is accepted ……….. and there will be no hari bhakti left at all …………………………
———————————— end of plane 2 —————————————————————–
plane 3 ………………..
WE all believe in shastras …….. even ISCKON believes in shatras ………………
Highest shastra is imparted by SRIKRISHNA in the form of BHAGAVADGEETA ………….
ISCKON also quotes geeta here and there and everywhere ……………….
what is Geeta all about ………… ARJUNA asking Krishna that war would lead to distrubance in the order of society due to intermixing of catses and VARNA and ASHRAMA DHARMA will get lost ! Why at all war ?
Krishna in every chapter talks about VARN and ASHRAMA dharma . He says to safeguard this Dharma take to arms ARJUNA …
Why is Krishna stressing so much about VARNA nd Ashrama dharm ………..
Some say times have changed , Though message of Krishna is relevant context of Varna is irrelevant ………..
How can we come to this conclusion ?
Krishna gave discourse Geeta in the beginning of KALIYUGA ……… definitely it is meant for people in Kaliyuga only >>>>>> and we are in just Kali sandhi ……
WAS Message of geeta only for ARJUN ? No it was for whole mankind [ ISCKON cannot dispute on this else their revenue model will collapse ]
if it was meant for MANKIND , are we people in KALIYUGA not part
of this , is it not menat for us …….
Then why take message of KRISHNA in bits and pieces ,,,, why not accept it completely with acceptance of VARNA ASHRAMA dharma ….. ?
Who gave anyone right to comment on KRISHNA ‘s message that this portion is relevant and this portion is irrelevant .. I mean have PRABHUPADAS surpassed KRISHNA in determining that “ KARMA phala tyaga “ is relevant to this era and verses explaining “ VARNA ASHRAMA DHARMA “ are irrelevant ,,,,,
OR KRISHNA had no idea that his geeta would be followed in 2011 also nd hence he did not give idea of making it universal ? Even harbouring such thoughts is sin ……
If geeta were not universal [ i mean every verse of it is universal and eternal and has relevance in every era ] SO many ACHARYAs would not have taken so much pin in writing BHASHYAS for the GEETA .
So VARNA ASHRAMA DHARMA is very relevant in all ages …. as KRISHNA and GEETA makes a big hue and cry about it it has sense in following it …………….
Finally if VARNA ASHRAMA were not important ,,,,,, Then ARJUNA wanted to leave VIOLENCE and take to SANYASA in GEETA itself it is mentioned ,,,,,,,,,
WHY did KRISHNA not ALLOW HIM ….. insted KRISHNA says you will attain hell by doing so !\
YOU are a KSHATRIYA so your dharm is to KILL those adharmis …… You are a grahastha and you have to look after the praja and regulate them ….. so stick to VARN and ASHRAMA dharma is what Geeta message ………..
ISCKON claims proprietary on geeta HOW they missed this part ? Or they accept geeta half ….. HALF KNOWLEDGE leads to treacherous death like ABHIMANYU who had half knowledge of chakravyuaha ……………………..
Finally we must have full faith in KRISHNA and accept every word of what He has said and not selectively take what suits us ! By selectively taking his message we are casting doubts on the relevance of HIS discourse !
There is no discourse as sacred and complete as BHAGVADGEETA !
Krishnarpanamstu ….