Hare Srinivasa !!!
Jai Bedi Anjaneya !!!
Guru Madhwa Rayarige namo namo !!!
Guru Madhwa Santatige namo namo !!!
This is an attempt to provide the Dvaita sampradaya tradition w.r.t HariKathaAmruthaSara.
Man’s basic instinct is quest for hapinesss. Shastra calls it the instinct of instincts.
To make it clearer; man is on an eternal quest for eternal happiness.
Such a hapiness is possible only in Moksha. To achieve moksha; one needs Gyana, Bhakti and Vairagya.
To get these three; one needs to do adhyana of Shastras.
Due to effect of KaliYuga and Gautam Rishi’s shaapa; there was utter chaos and confusion regarding Gyana.
SriHari incarnated as Bhagawan VedaVyasa ru; HE divided the Vedas, from Ananta Vedas it was divided into four Vedas. The Ananta Vedas were reduced to thousands of shlokas and presented to KaliYuga because of dimishing intellect; the syllabus was reduced. HE composed BrahmaSutras to help decipher the Vedas; MahaBharata and Puranas for non dwijas and Stree to do Sadhana.
Bhagawan VedaVyasaru has left no stone unturned in giving us everything we ever need. SriMadAcharya says “Vyasa ucchishtam Jagat Sarvam” Whatever one calls Shastra prapancha it has been provided by Bhagawan VedaVyasaru.
In spite of many mathas and many acharyas; only whoever writes a bashya for BrahmaSutra is called a “matha acharya”. Such is the importance give to Bhagawan VedaVyasa’s works.
Now many people had written Bashyas to BrahmaSutra ( 21 categories to be exact ); but all of them wrote the meaning that they thought or rather what they felt was correct. With the influence of advaita; the true meaning of the shastras was getting lost. Seeing the plight of “satvika” jeevas; Rudra-Sesha, Indra and other Gods requested SriHari to help the satvik jeevas.
SirHari sent Vayu in Udupi kshetra as PoornaPrajna. PoornaPrajna; was the first to write down “sutratha muchyate”; i.e. I will explain the meanings in accordance to the BrahmaSutras.
To give a clearer example; BrahmaSutras is authority. Other Bashya’s are like printing notes in their own press in their own way. SriMadAcharya says “sutratha muchyate” that is this meaning is as per the authority; a real and valid currency note.
Bhagawan VedaVyasaru created a downpour of shastras; SriMadAcharya gave us Sarvamoola which helps us collect the rain drops of the downpour and bless us completely.
Sarvamoola – “Sarva”+”moola” – these 37 granthas helps us in each and every aspect of our life.
Among the sarvamoola is Dwadasha stotra; a collection of 12 stotras praising SriHari; the seed of the HariDasa movement.
Establishing the Tattvavada empire; SriMadAcharya passed on the mantle to the Udupi ashta Muttas.
NarHari Teertharu was one among them. NarHari Teertharu was sent to Orrisa by SriMadAcharya; where he was coronated as the King. This is a record in KaliYuga; a full fledged Sanyasi being a full time King. HE performed the duties of both; when The young prince came of age; he was installed on the throne. Sri NaraHari Teertharu on being forced to accept a gift; chose the SriMoolaRama idol and handed it over to SriMadAcharya. Sri NaraHari Teertharu effectively started the “Kannada” HariDasa movement by composing Kritis in Kannada.
Teekcharyaru by his teekas; explained the greatness of SriMadAcharyas granthas and made it easier to understand. Sri Vadirajaru makes an interesting comparison; all the Sarvamoola works are grooms and Jayateertha’s works are brides. They go perfectly hand in hand and the bride always bring out the glory of her husband.
After a few generations; the mantle was then donned by SriPadarajaru who composed numerous kritis in Kannada including the ladies verion of SriHari-VayuStuti called “MadhwaNama”. SriPadarajru started a huge vidyapeeta for Dvaita studies that rivalled Kanchi until the early ninteenth century.
Sri Vyasarayaru (poorva janma of Rayaru) was a worthy successor; his contribution to both Vyasa Sahitya and Dasa Sahitya is immense. His three works NyayaAmruta, Taraka Tanadava and Chandrika granthas are called the three eyes of Narasimha to destroy advaita. Right from administration of Tirumala temple to being the Raja Guru of Krishna Devaraya Kingdom to establishing a massive Vidyapeeta; Sri Vyasarayaru was effortless. Sri Vyasarayaru also installed a record number of 732 Hanuman temples in South India; foremost being Yantrodharaka temple in ChakraTeertha. SriMadAcharya, Jayateertharu and Vyasarayaru are considered the Muni-Trayaru of Madhwa Sampradaya.
In addition he was joined by Sri Purundara Dasaru; Sri Kanaka Dasaru as well.
Sri Purundara Dasaru; an avataara of DevaRishi Narad; created a revolution by staying and Grihista Ashrama and composing Kirtanas.
Sri Purundara Dasaru has 4.75 lakhs compositions to his name. Considering that he started composing at the age of 40 until 80. So in just 40 years 4.75 lakh compositions is a mind boggling number.
To break it down; 11,875 / year; 990 / month ; more than 30 a day which means avg is more than one every hour.
What an achievement ! sitting standing, eating sleeping constantly praising SriHari …. Vitalla ! Vitalla !!!
“Madhukar Vrutti yenadu” – My vrutti or business is SriHari.
Before Puranadara Dasaru; you were either “born” with music talent or you were not. Sri Purundara Dasaru; systamized the learning process; created Pillari Geetas “Padamunabha Parama Purusha”. Even today the way to learn Karnatik music is the same; as shown by Dasaru.
Sri Purundara Dasaru is called Pitamaha of Karnatik sangeeta. Each and every song echos with “Hari Sarvothamma!!! Vayu Jeevothamma!!!”
Even if the song is on other devatas like Rudra Devaru; the last line will be; show the path to SriHari. Not even one composition misses it’s mark. Emotions, Social issues; there is nothing that Sri Purundara Dasaru has not covered.
Most other composers compile a max of roundabout 25,000 compositions. 4,75,000 is just too great in terms of volume and each one in terms of quality.
Sri Vyasarayaru praised Purundara Dasaru as “Dasar andare Purundara Dasaraya”!!!
Sri Purundara Dasara’s house always had a huge divine and extraordinary rangoli. Once even the King was intrigued by this and asked Sri Vyasarayaru; Sri Vyasarayaru showed him that every morning all the rivers; Ganga , Kaveri, etc would come in Devi forms; clean the front of the house and apply rangoli out of respect for Dasaru and then leave.
The fact that we have been able to collect a few thousand of his keertanas; indicates what a loss we have suffered.
Kanaka Dasaru who was Yama Devaru’s avataara composed “Keshava Nama” and a lot of keertanes and Mundiges. Sri Vyasarayaru through him repeatedly proved that even non-brahmins can be satvikas.
His Mundiges are a total bouncer for beginners. The Kankana kindi in Udupi shows SriHari’s anugraha on him; also Ganji naivedya to SriKrishna was started by him and is continuing to this day.
Next is Sri Vadirajaru !!!
I’ll take a pause to bow down to the 3 rajaru’s Sri Padarajaru; Sri Vyasarajaru and Sri Vadirajaru.
There is no words to describe Sri Vadirajaru’s greatness; Sri Vadirajaru created a rain of stotras, to this day; if they are unable to trace the root of a stotra, scholars conclude maybe Sri Vadirajaru’s; such is the impact he has made.
Dashavatara Stotra, Rukmaneesha Vijaya, Sreesha Guna Darpanam, Lakshmi Shobhana, Yukti Mallika, the list goes on and on…
Sri Vadirajaru also changed the parayaya time from 2 months to 2 years; so each Mutta gets a little more time for managment. Sri Vadirajaru also installed the Sri Hanuman Vigraha he got from Ayodhya and Sri Garuda Devaru vigraha as well.
Sri Vadirajaru’s contemporary Sri Vijayendra swamiji at Kumbakonam end; expert in 64 arts. Lots of people who experts in their fields challenged him and were defeated. Sri Vijayendra has the highest number of works attributed to him in Dvaita philosophy 100+.
Most of the works were reply to Appaya Dikshit a local advitin who would lock horns with Sri Vijayendra everytime and be defeated each time. He used to delibrately write works to malign Madhwa and present it proudly to Sri Vijayendra; Sri Vijayendra in return would immideately give him the reply grantha (which was already prepared) and send him back.
Sri Raghavendra Swamiji then came in and that changed the game completely. Rayaru authored a lot of works; In fact it is through his works that Vyasarayaru’s works can be understood. He composed kritis as well; Second person after Sri Vadirajarau to take sajeeva Brindavana; to prove that it’s not an accident but a science.
After the sons of Purundara Dasaru; there was a lull in the Dasa Sahitya period; then Brighu Rishi amsha … the mindblowing duo of Narada-Brighu came to light. Sri VijayaDasaru was born to complete the collection of 4.75 Lakhs to 5 Lakhs; i.e. to compose 25,000 compositions; Sri VijayaDasaru is called as Suladhi Dasaru.
Sri VijayDasaru gave Dasa deekshe to Sri Mohan Dasaru (Mandava Rishi), Sri Gopal Dasaru (Ganapati Amsha) and many others… this created a proper Haridasa Sampradaya. Dasa Sahitya and Vyasa Sahitya were now flowing with full force.
Sri Jagganta Dasaru who was a Sudha Pandit before Dasa Deekshe got 40 years ayur dana through Gopal Dasaru and got ankita of Jaggnatha Vittala in Pandhrapura.
Sri Jaggnatha Dasaru composed a lot of Songs; particularly on Rayaru. One day he got an indication to compose a grantha; one by one all his Gurus came and blessed him and expressed their desire for him to write the Grantha.
Thus began the task of composing his magnum opus Hari-Katha-Amrutha-Saara; throught HKAS Dasaru keeps saying it’s not my words it’s the Devatas themselves who are guiding me. It’s not a yukti word but each and every word is supported by Shrutis and Smrutis.
It has 32 Sandhis (+1 phala Stuti sandhi) in Bhamini Shatpadi meter. Dasaru has lay thread bare the inner most secrets of the shastras using simple and lucid examples. It is the first time Dasa Sahitya has produced an integrated and intrecately interwoven work of this magnitude.
So deep is it’s knowledge that there is a Sanskrit vyakhyana for this Pavitra Grantha.
In the phala stuti sandhi; Kajige Srisha Vitthala Dasaru says that HKAS matches the works of Sri Vadirajaru.
SriHari keeping in mind the age of KaliYuga and our capacity has ensured that Gyana amrutha that flows from the Vedas passes through the Madhwa Sampradaya and reaches us in the form of HariKathaAmruthaSaara.
I have not mentioned a lot of other saints; I bow down to each of them as well. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it; I have not even scratched the surface.
Guru Madhwa Rayarige namo namo !!!
Guru Madhwa Santatige namo namo !!!
Any mistakes are solely mine; may BharatiRamana MukhyaPrana antargata SriHari be please with this.
BharatiRamana MukhyaPrana antaragata SriKrishnarpanamastu !!!
Jai Bharateesha,