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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Gyana Ichcha Kriya

Lord Narayana does not force the soul jeeva to enact any karma . On the contrary he has leased his  independence with respect to Gyana ,ichcha and kriya to the jeeva. So when a desire occurs in a jeeva ,his buddhi analyses with available gyana about the status of desire and then according to the conducive circumstance [ external anukula paristithi , which exists or acts as per our poorva janma karma] ,he makes a kriya [efforts] . Now nothing is forced onto him in this process. Jeeva is independent when it comes to desire . One can desire anything ,nothing stops from desiring . Nothing stops you from making efforts either. everybody is free to try out his luck .
But what differentiates one from another is Gnyana . It is knowledge that makes the difference between different people in pursuing their goals. Person with higher knowledge approaches a goal differently than a less knowledged soul at any given point.
Now we have a means to accumulate knowledge .Knowledge is  the only wealth that no thief can steal from us. Our actions though inspired by Lord [who is complete and of independent knowledge] yet we set out our actions as per our local knowledge [distinctly different from Lord] . This gyana is ever increasing birth after birth and experience after experience ,it fortifies . Our acts also so improves as per our gyana. Thus our ability to sin or punya is limited to gyana. One must make maximum efforts to gain gyana.
Thus lesser knowledged suffers more than the one with more kowledge. Mukhyaprana [Hanuman] has complete knowledge and hence he is untouched by grief. Lord gives knowledge when one performs nishkaam karma.
||Na madida Karma balvanta vadare ,ni enu maduve Mukunda ||

Monday, December 19, 2011

why sadhane

smarana is about constantly making prateek sthir in our hearts ..
one does dwadashi .. he finds immense satisfaction , sense of purity and satvikness energy etc .. why? because Hari rupas become sthir … slowly one goes out and grabs a sandwich , a rupa leaves .. slowly some conversation starts . another rupas leave slowly loukika begins and all rupas become asthir slowly a void occurs in heart and kali enters … sins begin ..

but what if hari rupa is sthir ?

Sunday, December 18, 2011

sadhana - 2

 take a notebook …
and note the start of the day ..
and do smarana [ nirantar smarana ] of NARAYANA all day long for tommorrow ..
try to keep your mind on narayana [ in the heart ] while doing your normal work ..
note down the points when you have forgotten to keep such smarana …[ ex while talking to someone ..while thinking .. while going to toilet etc ]
whenever you have gained the consciousness yes I have to do smarana of HARI .. write down the time ..
and see how the day fares ,,
with this exercise you shall understand how far you are in the world of sadhna …


Sadhna has many steps
1.body cleansing
2.mind cleansing
3.instill dscipline
4.physical training
5.mental training
6.subconscious training
7.application to sthula karma
8.application to sukshma karma
9.gearing up
10.taking the plunge
these are the steps in prerequirements of sadhna ….if these are not followed sadhna becomes experiments with failures only as end results ..

seriousness is must when talking about sadhna ….

Saturday, December 17, 2011

other vegetables

its enough onion and garlic are not used regularly .. other items should not be used on festival days such as carrot raddish brinjal tomato cauliflower beetroot etc ..
these are rajas items and increase activity ..


food taken inside also inspires the mind … onion garlic are roots of desire generation in the body … consumption of onion inspires attachment .. after consuming onion mind dwell on the issues it has enjoyed or hated … and no human effort can shake that attachment except severe sadhana .. onion also obstructs the rise of kundalini … it instantly brigs down raised kundalini down to moolaadhara ,.. eaters of onion find it impossible to take prana above neck …
creating perspiration slow breathing , rapid breathing ..and sense of fear towards sansaara and attraction to the people around ..
the breath of yogi is entirely different .. when you interact with people its the breath that interacts .. when you can catch other persons breath or are in a position to observe it while talking or listening to him/her … the other persons thought process is known .. but if your own breath is equal to theirs then this process is not possible .. sukshm breathing can only analyse sthula .. onion breath is sthula and durgandhmaya ..its coarse .. so finer elements of life cannot be known through it ..
although a sthula yogi [ who does pranayama etc ] can have excellent vashikarna by eating onion , but soon he will end with attraction of worldly beauty and again become a victim of manodaurbalya ….
kumbhaka is not possible for those who eat onions …though they may have pseudo feeling of being in kunbhaka .. external observer can see them slowly slipping breathing from periphery .. thus mano nigraha is impossible .. so its not surprising for people eating onion complaining they are not able to concentrate … they have thoughts drifting while meditation simply out of their control …
mano nigraha is a process where mind collects all its vibes going outwards into itself … but onion has a special quality of sending vibes crystal clear outwards involuntarily …without the specific effort of the consumer .. so nigraha is not possible .. as it sends involuntarily .. man feels he is excited by the outer attractions .. and thus onion becomes an aphrodisiac which gives prachodan to indriyas of the people … used to such prachodan .. when stopped eating ..temporarily people go out of excitement towards sensual pleasures .. fearing impotency people start consuming onion again .. BUt this is psychological …

Friday, December 9, 2011

eclipse - todo thingse

Eclipse offer a scope to rejeunate your inner strengths to combat bad times. This is the period when one must focus all his energy to get rid of obstacles.
Eclipse though unsuitable to begin new works or enterprise or auspicious events , it still is the best time to do austerities . Every small penace undertaken gives 1 Lakh times the fruits that you get in normal times , when done at the time of eclipse.
Eclipse had many parts to it
1. Vedha
2. sparsh
3. madhya
4. moksha
5.Shuddha Bimba darshan
Vedha is 12 hours or sunset and sunrise prior to actual start of eclipse whichever is earlier.
During vedha a temple is closed .
One does not partake any food during this period.
one does not sleep during this period
One does not go about daily chores of cleaning during this period.
Eating brings in diseases,Sleeping reduses longevity , and urinating etc brings mental disorders.
Children ,pregnant woman and old men and women ,patients and those who cannot control their hunger are all exempt from this rule.
Usually a bath gives a lot of punya everyday . Bath[Snana] is process of offering the lord within us a worship.It is also a way of expressing gratitude towards lord for having given us a body to carry out our sadhana .
There are many types of snana;
SNAN is the one that gives internal and external purity . Only external cleansing is not the purpose of bath , bath should also give us a cleansing of mind .
Snana has a procedure.
vaarun snana is bathing with water , teertha snana is bathing in rivers oceans etc , here bathing such that only waist is wet is known as kati snana , bathing upto neck is kanth snana,Standing amidst returning cows in the evening and bathing by the dust of their hoofs is godhuli snana,applying soil from the tulasi pot or garden to the entire body is mrittika snan ,After the completion of Homa or yagnya , taking the fumes of the yagnya all over the body or a hot smoke is known as Avbruth snan, reciting the mantra ” Apo histha …….” is equla to taking a bath this mantra snana , this can be done when there is no water available and yet you have to finish your sandhyavandan or daily pooja .
Some people observe certain vrata where they dont take anything to eat or drink till they take bath in the morning , when faced with water shortage or during travel mantra snan has to be followed and daily pooja can be completed but should not be skipped on the excuse or pretext of absence of water body.
Snan is abhishek for the lord within us.
hence purushsukta should be recited after sankalpa while bathing. When there is no water , no place to sit and we are stuck in a dirty polluted environment or surrounding,one can resort to Dhyan snana.
Dhyana snana is making ganga yamuna nd saraswati flow thorugh IDA PINGALA AND SHUSHUMNA , it is yogic way of bringing various rivers into 72000 nadis and oozing 3 and half crores rivers thorugh our pores . This is the superiormost of all snans , this way one is unperturbed by the surrounding he is in [however apavithra or polluted that may be] and yet becomes eligible for all the karmas of vedas.
Dhyana snana gives 100 crores of times the more punya than normal ganga snan ,so says sanatkumar to Narad.
Such snan when taken at the time of sparsh of eclipse [ie when eclipse starts when sun or moon disc is affected] bears 10000 times the ususal punya. In the middle of eclipse it gives 100000 times the usual punya and while leaving [moksha] a snana is worth crores of time.
If simple bath can give you so much punya than what about other austerities like dana ,japa,tapa, homa ,shradha etc.They will be akin to performing them crores of time.
In the post of matra sidhdhi it was made known that a mantra can be potent only when they are recited with austerities a few lakhs times. IN general lifetime this is not possible as it takes years to achieve this even if one recites 1000 times daily. During eclipse even if reciting ten or hundred times makes it equvivalent to have recied crores of times and thus mantra becomes potent. So people desirous of potent mantras take upadesha during this period .
eclipse is divided into three parts, first part is for Devatas ,second portion is for Pitru , and last part is for Rakshasas, so a japa has to be conducted only till first part , shradhdha is performed during middle part , as cooking is not allowed shradhdha is done with floor paste. Dana is given in temples for nag dosha etc.
The last portion is used by tantriks and evil mantriks to increase or invoke devils. this should be avoided.
Thus after eclipse is over having a look at the clean and free sun or moon , one can take a bath again and have his daily pooja and meals.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

dwadashi cooking

praparation 1
cut a raw pineaple … into i/2 inch long 1 cm width pieces ..
heat ghee in a pan and add pepper to it ..
put raw pineaple and fry till coarseness of pineaple wears away …
preparation 2
take leaves of ajwain … clean it with running water and dry it by cloth ..
heat ghee in pan and slightly roast the leaves along with ginger ,jeera and dhania and dry coconut
grind then into fine paste …
preparation 3 ..
roast moong daal and grind it to paste adding a slight salt …
make balls of this dough and fry til golden in oil .. remove the fried balls ..
take curd and mix water init till a thick liquid is done ..
take a pan .. heat ghee in it … fry small pieces of ginger cury leaves and mustard
add fried pineaple to it
add ajwain paste to it
once ghee shows up ..
add moong baals
switch off the stove
allow the preaparation to cool
and add thick buttermilk
add salt to taste …

dwadashi cooking

boil akkha moong along with green cover till tender ..
grind coconut pepper and jeera
heat oik in pan …
crackle mustard jeera curry leaves and coriander …
add ground paste
add boiled moong without draing the water …
salt to taste ////s

dwadashi cooking

take amla
soak it in warm water …
cut into pieces ..
grind mustrads and pepper ,,,
heat oil [ this dish requires more oil …
crackle mustards jeera and moong daal
fry deeply till amla gets totally soft ….
put the ground powder …
add jaggery ..
salt to taste ..

Thursday, December 1, 2011


breaking a coconut and offering it to the LORD [ MUKHYAPRANANTARGAT LAXMI VISHNU ] is equivalent to feeding 70 bramhins …. so it gives complete phala of whatever pooja we have done ..
it can be offered in house too as naivedya ..

if coconut is offered without any procedures it goes to rakshasa ..if given without the ponytail …it will taken by pisacha or pretas …

so a coconut should contain a pony …it should be broken and water should not be offered to LORD ,..sould be kept aside [ however water can be used for abhishekam ] …

sprinkle some water on the ground and make a square patch with the water sprinkled …[ chaturasra mandal ]
put a leaf / plate [ plate should not be iron steel etc should be earthern copper or silver .. ] apply kumkum and haldi to the inner side of coconut … place a tulasi /leaf /kashta /mritttika on the coconut .. [ Dwija should do a parishinchan with gayatri ...and show shanmudra and recite moolamanta for 108 times /27 times ]
others say HARI i have completed Ekadashi vrata and I am offering a coconut to you [yathashakti ] on dwadashi /or any other day ] please be pleased with my offerings and bless me with gyaan bhakti and vairagya ..
ShriKRishnarpanamastu …

and then offer kumkum and flowers to Lord .. offer incense and deepa .. and then Aarti .. make namaskaara and pradikshina ..say KRISHNARPANAMASTU ,,