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Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Parmatma has one more guna quality , it is called as AGHATANAGHATIT shakti … that making impossible possible .. ie what is not possible in normal course can also be made possible by LORD … it is this vishesha shakti owing to which Pradurbhava happens and lord shows himself to the indriyas of world ..

now I shall explain in detail .. what are indriyas .. eyes ears etc .. it is just a camera … which captures the image …then what is captured is stored in memory and buddhi [intelligence ] of the man scans for this info [ got into chitta ]in its immediate cache [ smara ] [if it does not find then it searches for similar info in its tertiary memory , which can be poorvajanma too ] then when it finds a similar match through its search it identifies the object it has seen .. or else a new thing which it has seen it records for future ref … in all an object is identified and said to be seen because there is some search and match of database .. if you carefully think over it [ manana ] then you shall understabd that seeing is some activity within brain and is least related to actual matter seen ..

Now this activity in brain is also controlled by tattvadevatas ie NARAYANa himself

now when we read vedas shastras and where it is written that RAMAchandra Prabhu is dheerganayanam ajanubahu ..etc we get a imagination of this figure as RAAMA .. now LORD RAAMA need not be exactly like our imagination yet when we see a photo of pattabhisheka we conclude yes IT IS RAAMji ‘s photo .. HOW ? some analysis of brain ..

NOW when LORD RAAMA is standing before us treta yuga .. what is our imagination in smara[ intelligence and memory ] if it is given a match by tattvadevatas or LORD himself [ as residing in us ] .. our pamara brain will accept as the person seen as LORD RAAMA ..
whether HE sees RAAMA as aprakrut is his ability and yogyata .. some SAW RAAMA as just human ,, so what is seen and WHAT RAAMA would have shown need not match ,, whatever matched has been accepted as RAAMA the benevolent KING of AYODHYA ..
so though LORD cannot be seen .. HE can show himself to people as having been seen and brain confirms it ..

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